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Why have my cyclamen collapsed?



Hi, why have my cyclamen collapsed? They are not overwatered and are on a south facing balcony?

Claire Kizlink


Hi Claire, cyclamen are tubers or bulbs that go dormant after they have flowered so this is natural for plants to die down after flowering. A photo is always good to get a good idea of what is actually happening. Cyclamen do not enjoy really hot temperatures and will go yellow and wilt when it is too hot, they are a cool season plant. It is coming into the season where cyclamen start flowering again as temperatures cool down, stop watering your plant, let it dry out, and give it a spell for up to 8 weeks in a cool dry spot, it should start coming away again and so you can repot the plant, or give it some fertiliser such as Tui Enrich Pots and Containers controlled release fertiliser, and start watering it again. Always keep cyclamen away from direct sunlight, they can be planted in the garden in shady spot after they have finished flowering. The Tui Team.

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