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Why have the fruit on my Meyer lemon got holes in them?



Hi there Tui, I have a Meyer lemon tree. I have noticed something is eating the lemons. There are multiple holes in some lemons. I have cut a few open to see if I can find a bug inside but can't see anything, so will appreciate your advice. Thanks



Hi Yasmin, that is slugs and snails eating your lemons. There is nothing wrong with the fruit, but it won't keep in the fruit bowl for very long so juice them and freeze the juice. Apply Tui Quash Slug and Snail control around the base of the tree, but if you look closely there will be small snails under the leaves during the day, also go out at night with a torch and you will find them on the tree. Tui Team.

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Why have the fruit on my Meyer lemon got holes in them? Comments

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