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Why is my citrus in a pot losing its leaves?

  Bay of Plenty


Can you please tell me why would my Mandarin growing in a container all of a sudden loose all its leaves. It has got fruit on it and has been fed with your citrus food.

Raewyn Drummond


Hi Raewyn, plants defoliating is a sign of stress, it could be due to lack of water, too much water or over application of fertiliser. Citrus in pots need watering at least every 2-3 days in the growing season,  even daily in really intense heat like we have been experiencing. Citrus also do not like wet feet, so a free draining potting mix is essential. The best fertiliser for container grown plants is a controlled release such as Enrich Citrus, Fruit, Tree & Shrub controlled release fertiliser, or Tui Novatec slow release fertiliser. Tui Citrus food is not suitable for pots and containers as it does not have any control mechanism and can easily be over applied. If you suspect that you have over-applied fertiliser put the hose on the plant to flush out the excess fertiliser for at least 10 minutes. Regular applications of Tui Seaweed Plant Tonic will help the plant recover, apply every 2 weeks at a rate of 70ml per 9L watering can. For the plant to recover you may need to remove or thin the fruit, as the plants energies are going into producing fruit rather than new growth. Lianne. 

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