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Why is my established fejioa tree not fruiting?



Hi, our well established feijoa tree has not fruited this season. The tree is in close proximity to two in our neighbours backyard which also have no fruit this season. Any ideas?

Ron and Jazell Wilkie


Hi Ron and Jazell, great to hear you have a feijoa tree in your backyard. Do the trees look healthy i.e. plenty of healthy green growth and are there any flowers? The most common reasons for no fruit aside from the trees being too young (they take 2-3 years to fruit) is inadequate pollination or poor tree health. Other causes of poor cropping can be reasons like not growing healthily due to pests, disease, lack of watering, or growing with too much vegetative growth from excessive nitrogen.

It’s best to plant at least two different varieties to cross pollinate. Or if your neighbour's trees are a different variety this will assist with cross-pollination.

Feijoa trees should be fed regularly from spring to after harvest to ensure a healthy tree and bumper harvest. Use Tui Enrich Fruit, Citrus, Trees & Shrub controlled release fertiliser or Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser for best results.

Watering is also key over the summer months when it is hot and dry, in which you should water deeply and regularly from mid-summer to when the fruit is developing and ripening.

We suggest working to ensure your trees are in healthy form and feeding them to encourage fruiting and overall good health. Hopefully with some TLC the trees will produce next season.

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Why is my established fejioa tree not fruiting? Comments

  • My fejioa although about 5 years old & seems healthy doesn't flower. It's not very big about 1.5m tall Would it help to replant it?

    Sue King

    • Hi Sue, we suggest taking a look at the above information. If your tree seems healthy, it could be due to poor pollination. It’s best to plant at least two different varieties to cross pollinate. Is it in a sunny spot? 

      Tui Team

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