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Why is my feijoa dropping leaves?



Hello, I planted 17 feijoa trees in March this year, to create a hedge along our road front. They did really well until a couple of weeks ago they started to drop all of the deep green leaves and all the new growth looks unhealthy. We are living on Awhitu Peninsula and are quite open and get a lot of wind. Just wanted to know if anyone has an idea why they would drop all their leaves after doing so well. I do have pictures but now sure how to upload them.

Cora-Anne Hillary


Hi Cora-Anne. Feijoas will defoliate when the plants are under stress. This could be lack of water, too much water, extreme wind or poor soil. Poor drainage can cause the same symptom, so suggest looking at the soil to see if it will determine what the problem is. Check out our Feijoa Growing Guide for more tips, including feeding information. Regular applications of Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic will also help your tree. 

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