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Why is my lemon tree not blossoming?


Hi, my lemon tree is looking lovely and lush with green leaves and new growth after giving it a dose of citrus food. It's two years old and had two blossoms when I bought it. Once planted, the fruit dropped off when they were only about 1cm long, and it has never blossomed since. Do you know why? Thanks, Vicky.


As the plant is only two years old it is not a problem that it is not flowering as it is good for the tree to spend energy in establishing its roots first. We suggest feeding with Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser twice a year, now and in late summer, this should assist with flowering.


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Why is my lemon tree not blossoming? Comments

  • Thanks for that I had the same problem . Also mine was in a wire barrel with little amounts of holes in it for draining . So replanted in the garden and it is booming know .


  • Our 14 year old Kohwai tree on a town section seems every two years to not appear to have as many flowers all foliage. Is this normal all what can I feed it to encourage more growth. The Tui's love to feed off the nectar.


  • Hi Viv, that is quite normal, fruit trees do it as well. One season you get prolific fruit and the next not so much. I would feed your Kowhai sheep pellets and blood and bone. Thanks, Tui Team


  • Your article on 'Growing Lemons' was very good. I have ants running up my lemon tree and now I know what I must do! Also, I didn't know about not pruning a lemon tree in Sept/Oct. It feels like a war against all these nasty little buggers!!!! Keep up the good work....and thank you. Margaret


    • Hi Margaret, thanks for getting in touch. You're very welcome, we're pleased to hear you found our lemon information helpful! Happy gardening from the Tui Team.

      Tui Team

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