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Why is my mandarin not fruiting this year?

  Hawkes Bay


Hi, my mandarin tree has had fruit on for the past 8 yrs, this year there is no sign of any fruit. 

ross talbot


Hi Ross, that is great that you have had fruit for eight years in a row. Mandarins are renowned for cyclical bearing, that is, fruiting every other year. This can be caused by environmental and climatic factors, such as too cold and drought, as well as inconsistent watering in the growing season. Regularly water established trees in summer at least once a week. Feed the tree in early spring and again in late summer/early autumn with a specially blended citrus fertiliser that contains potassium to promote flowering and fruiting. Mandarins do their own self thinning if they are too heavily laden, but thinning fruit on an on year to reduce the load may help stop cyclical bearing. As this year is an off year for your tree, trim back the foliage lightly to stimulate new growth, citrus fruit on current seasons growth. Apply mulch around the trees to conserve soil moisture and to protect the roots in winter. Lianne.

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