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Why is my nectarine tree dropping fruit?



Hi, why is my nectarine tree dropping fruit. It is planted near a farm drain that has water 12 months of the year. Thanks.

Lorraine M Exley


Hi Lorraine, premature fruit drop can be caused by several things. One is stress, usually too dry, but also too wet, or a sudden change in the weather at the time of fruit set, such as a cold snap or rain that can affect pollination. Another reason is incomplete pollination, while nectarine trees are self fertile, not all flowers are going to be pollinated and so they will drop. Natural thinning can also occur so that the tree can sustain the fruit load. Check for brown rot which is a fungal disease that infects fruit from the stalk end which could be present in wet warm humid weather. Spray with a copper based spray as a protectant through winter and in early spring until bud burst. Lianne.

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