A wide range of feijoas are available. Some varieties are self-fertile, but even self-fertile varieties will produce heavier and more regular crops if they are pollinated by other varieties. Plant at least two different varieties to extend your season and ensure a better harvest.
An early season variety with lush dark green leaves on a very attractive plant. It produces exceptionally sweet round fruit. Needs a pollinator. The tree is quite vigorous, with large deep green foliage.
A vigorous and productive variety that produces a medium to large oval fruit with smooth, thin, light green skin. Ripens mid to late season. Flavour very pleasant, quality excellent. This is an upright, spreading tree that will grow up to 2.5 metres tall. Semi self-fertile.
A relatively new dwarf variety, with thin edible skin surrounding sweet aromatic pulp bursting with flavour. Bambina is a good choice when planting in a pot. Self-fertile.
Kaiteri is a quick-growing feijoa that produces an early crop of large, super sweet fruit. Needs a pollinator. The tree is reasonably vigorous, upright with large rounded leaves.
Named after the Maori word for the colour green, this very early season variety produces sweet large fruit. Needs a pollinator.
Produces large, soft, round to oval fruit, with thick, somewhat wrinkled skin. The flesh is slightly gritty, and the quality and flavour are very good. A strong growing tree of upright habit, it will grow up to 3 metres tall. Bears larger fruit with a pollinator (Triumph is a good option).
Produces medium to large sized oval fruits with firm skin, juicy and moderately soft flesh and an excellent sharp flavour. Flesh somewhat gritty but with good seed-to-pulp ratio. Ripens late in the season. Good pollinator for Mammoth. Needs a pollinator.
An early season, prolific bearer of fruit from a young age. This variety produces medium sized fruit with smooth, soft, and juicy flesh. A truly self-fertile variety.
Wiki™ Tu
Producing huge fruit on a dwarf growing (2.5m), Wiki™ Tu is an easily managed, slow growing tree. The sweet and meaty fruit has a firm texture and good keeping qualities. A mid-late season fruiting variety, it is partially self fertile, though is best with another variety nearby for cross pollination.
Opal Star
A late season variety with smooth dark skin and a lovely rich and aromatic flavour. Opal Star is a compact, slow growing plant that has bushy habit making it an ideal variety for home gardens, especially for hedging.
Top Tips
- Later ripening varieties include Opal Star, Wiki™ Tu and Triumph.
- For hedging Anatoki, Apollo, Kaiteri, Kakariki, Mammoth, Triumph and Unique are all great options. We would suggest planting a mixture of varieties to provide cross pollination with each other, and to spread the harvest season with early, mid and late ripening varieties.
- If you're looking for a smaller tree, Wiki Tu is a great smaller growing tree (with big fruit), however any variety can be pruned hard to keep the size constrained.
Find out how to grow your own feijoas here!
Photo credit - feijoa variety images: Waimea Nurseries.
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Feijoa variety favourites Comments
Yum! I LOVE this fruit .. would like to win a tree
Gaye-Eleanor Waide
Hi there, with a cross pollinator. Which variety would you recommend for Kaiteri, Kakariki and Wiki Tu please or could all 3 cross pollinate each other? also are they okay to espalier? Thank you.
Chico Timoti
Hi. This tui email is always full of information and tips. I get most of my info from this email. I watch Tony on Kiwi Living also. Thank you for all the help you give.
Wendy McKay
Unique would be lovely in our garden
Karen Winterson
When you say needs a cross pollinater does that mean you need to plant another variety nearby? Regards Kate
Kate Franchj
Hi Kate, thanks for your message. Yes that is correct for feijoa trees that aren't self-fertile. Even self-fertile varieties will produce heavier and more regular crops if they are pollinated by other varieties. Plant at least two varieties to extend your season and ensure a better harvest. Thanks, Tui Team.
Hi Wendy, thanks for your message. That's fantastic to hear, we are glad we are helping you in your garden! Thanks for your feedback. Jenna - Tui Team.
Do feijoa trees need pruning each year and do they fruit on the new growth only.
Hi Maureen, a light trimming in autumn after fruit is harvested will encourage new growth and increase yields the following year. Thinning the plant also permits easier harvesting and allows bird pollination, wind movement and sunlight in for fruit ripening. Thanks - Tui Team.
I grew one Feijoa Unique in Wellington, and the fruit was superb - fleshy and sweet. Left it behind when we moved 18 months ago, but looking to buy another. Dot
Dot and Ted Piner
What age do feijoas fruit?
Hi, Can you please tell me if any of these varieties are better for hedges than the others? Many thanks
Hi Veronica, for hedging we suggest avoiding Bambina unless you want a tiny hedge as it is very small growing. Anatoki, Apollo, Kaiteri, Kakariki, Mammoth, Triumph and Unique are all great for hedging. We would suggest planting a mixture of varieties to provide cross pollination with each other, and to spread the harvest season with early, mid and late ripening varieties. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team
We got a feijoa tree that is just starting to produce fruit ( about 6 feijoas last year ), it has some kind of green mold on most of the leaves, can you tell me how to treat this please ?
I want to buy the seeds of these 8 varieties. where can i get them? Please let me know online shop.
Jaehyung Lee
Hi Jaehyung, not sure if these varieties are available to buy in seeds, however they are available as trees from Waimea Nurseries - www.waimeanurseries.co.nz/ Thanks, Tui Team.
Hi Pete, feijoa?s are hardy fruits, each season it is a good idea to prune out any excess growth to allow plenty of light and air into the centre of the plant, this will help prevent any sort of mould type growth. A spray with a fungicide will help also. Thanks, Tui Team.
Hi Pete, feijoa’s are hardy fruits, each season it is a good idea to prune out any excess growth to allow plenty of light and air into the centre of the plant, this will help prevent any sort of mould type growth. A spray with a fungicide will help also. Thanks, Tui Team.
Thanks Tui i am looking at planting a Feijoa hedge to shelter my Citrus and other trees so very good information
Steven Steger
Hi Steven, thanks for your feedback. We are pleased our information has been helpful for your next garden planting task. We hope you enjoy homegrown fejioas in the seasons to come. Kind regards, Tui Team
I have four trees (2 kakariki, 2 of another type) in one area, but they are all early season. If i was to want a longer season, what tree would I go for. If i were to go for a single tree, how close does it need to be to these others to get pollinated?
For cross -pollination does it have to be two different varieties to be successful or two varieties the same ok ? We got two bushes and they are quite young and just starting to fruit. Unsure now what types they are, many thanks for your great info on the Fejoa
Hi Pete, thanks for getting in touch and for your feedback. It?s best to plant at least two different varieties to cross pollinate, plus these varieties can be selected so that the harvest season is spread (i.e. one early, one mid and one late variety). The flowering times will overlap even though the fruiting times are different. Check out the article here for more information: www.tuigarden.co.nz/news/fantastic-feijoas-all-you-need-know Happy gardening from the Tui Team.
Hi, what can i fertilise my dwarf feijoas with to assist the growth of the fruit
Lance Saunders
Hi Lance, thank you for getting in touch. We would suggest Tui Novatec Premium fertiliser or Scotts Osmocote Fruit, Citrus, Trees & Shrubs. Find out more here: http://www.tuigarden.co.nz/products/type/fruit-veges-flowers All the best, Tui Team.
Hi - can you give me some advice on smaller hedge varieties - i have room for 2 or 3 but don't want them over 2 metres
Cherie Castle
Hi Cherie, Wiki Tu is a great smaller growing tree (with big fruit), however any variety can be pruned hard to keep the size constrained within the two metres. Thanks, Tui Team
Hi Bron, later ripening varieties including Opal Star, Wiki Tu and Triumph. The tree needs to be planted within around 15 metres, with a reasonably direct flight line (i.e. not tucked away around the corner of the house) as the birds need to be able to easily move between the trees ? as they transfer the pollen between flowers on their beaks and chests! Thanks, Tui Team
I have planted 4 feijoa trees three years ago. None of them have flowered or produced fruit. Could someome tell me why
Hi Justine, feijoa trees generally take approximately two years to first fruit. As you have four trees pollination shouldn't be an issue. Poor tree health is a possible cause, feijoa trees should be fed regularly from spring to after harvest to ensure a healthy tree and bumper harvest. Use Scotts Osmocote Fruit, Citrus, Trees & Shrubs or Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser for best results. Adding Sulphate of Potash in early-mid spring will also promote flowering. All the best, Tui Team.
Hi, will any of these varieties grow in the tropics, average temperature 25 degrees Celsius? Thanks.
Hi Minoru, feijoas need chilling so they may struggle in tropic temperatures where you live. In winter you could try putting ice around the base of the tree (drip line) as this may trick the plants into thinking is has a winter - we haven't tried this ourselves but have heard of it being done with other plants. You would also need to mulch around your trees to keep roots moist, and feed with a citrus fertiliser. All the best, Tui Team
Hi, Jenna, I want to know giant feijoa varieties and the retailers for selling them. please let me know about that.
Jaehyung Lee
Hi Craig, you can expect feijoas to fruit once the plants are 3 years old, sometimes they may not until they are a year or two older. If you are buying new feijoa plants, get the bigger ones as they are likely to be a year or two older than the smaller ones. A side dressing of fruit fertiliser in spring and autumn will help with the fruit development. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team.
Hi Jaehyung, Kaiteri, Kakariki and Mammoth all produce large fruit. Check at your local garden centre for these varieties :) Thanks, Tui Team
Please let me know where can i buy theses feijoa's seeds. here is korea. I want to buy seeds for various feijoas. If you know online store which is selling them, share me information.
Jaehyung Lee
Hi, I have two trees (one Apollo, one Den's Choice). If i was to buy a early season one Kaiteri, can they transfer the pollen between flowers?
Hi Ally, this is a great question, pollen can only be transferred if they are both in flower at the same time. Suggest you buy two Kaiteri plants to ensure a good fruit set. Enjoy! Thanks, Tui Team
Hi there, i bought a bambino feijoa and was wondering if a square planter of 36cm x 36cm and 40 deep is sufficient. Thanks
Hi Susann, while bambino is a dwarf feijoa, long term it will need a container twice if not three times that size. If the roots are restricted for long periods of time it limits the ability of the plant to fruit to its maximum potential. All the best, Tui Team
Hi! Can you send plant feijoa to Russia?
Hi Nick, sorry we are unable to help as we aren't a plant/tree supplier, only a garden product supplier. Thanks ^Tui Team
Thank you so much for your reply, I share Justine's situation with non-flowering or fruiting trees. Based on your advice I will now feed my trees (poor things!).
Hi Nicole, you're welcome. We hope you enjoy the rewards of healthy nourished trees :) ^Tui Team
I am renting in Titahi Bay so would like to plant some in halved 200 litre drums. Which 2 would you suggest please? And a third choice in case? Thanks.
Hi Amanda, great idea to plant some feijoa trees in your garden. They can be grown in containers and Bambina (dwarf variety) is an especially good option for pots and containers. Also look at the varieties that make good cross pollinators with each other (there are some suggestions above) and also selecting varieties so that the harvest season is spread (i.e. one early, one mid and one late variety). Find out more here: http://www.tuigarden.co.nz/news/fantastic-feijoas-all-you-need-know Happy fejioa growing ^Tui Team
I am wanting to grow a fejoa tree in a pot and I see that the Bambina variety is good for this, but is there any other variety that produces larger fruit you can recommend and that does not require a pollinator?
Hi - which Feijoa is best for Canterbury conditions - as we get lots of frost? I love Feijoa's :)
Joanne Van Der Westhuizen
Hi Joanne, good idea to plant for your own feijoas. Anatoki, Kakariki, Kaiteri, Unique, Apollo and Pounamu are early varieties, so are best for the Southern regions. Find out more here: http://www.tuigarden.co.nz/news/fantastic-feijoas-all-you-need-know Happy planting, Jenna ^Tui Team
Hi. I have a feijoa that has grown through the bottom of a pot and become established in the wrong place. It's now around 2m high and getting quite bushy. Is it safe to move it? I don't want to lose it.
Hi there I've recently moved back to South Africa and am definitely going to miss feijoas! Could you please tell me where I can get the seeds to purchase? Thanks.
Nuru Farrath
Hi Nuru, thanks for getting in touch. Feijoa trees are most commonly grown from a tree purchased from a garden centre here in New Zealand - you can't buy seeds for the trees as such. You would need to get a seed from a feijoa fruit to grow and it would take around 6-7 years to mature and fruit. Unfortunately feijoa trees aren't likely to be available in South Africa. Thanks ^Tui Team
Hi Tracey, any variety of feijoa can be grown in a pot, as having restricted roots will help keep the growth contained. Unique is the only truly self fertile variety, and can be grown in a pot, producing medium sized fruit (bigger than Bambina, though not super sized like Kaiteri and Wiki Tu). Hope that helps, Jenna ^Tui Team
My husband pruned our two trees last year more severely than I would have done. Is this the reason why they have no fruit this year? Having said this several friends in Northland where I live didn't prune and no fruit either. The trees are now about 20 yrs old Thanks Tui
Liz Perales
Crabby apples are excellent cross pollinators.
Thanks for the tip!
Thanks Jenna, much appreciated :-)
Tracey Clode
Hi Dianne, feijoas are tough and will cope with being moved once they have finished fruiting. Trim the root off the bottom of the pot and at the same time, prune the foliage back by about 20% to compensate for the root loss. Ensure where you move it to either has fertile soil or add a side dressing of Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser. Apply Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic once moved and at least once a month for an overall health boost and to prevent transplant shock. All the best ^Tui Team
Hi Liz, excessive pruning could be the problem. The plant's fruit on branches that are more than two seasons old. However if others in your area are struggling to get successful fruiting it could be due to a mild winter, they do need some chilling to reliably fruit. Suggest giving your plants a side dressing of Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser now and avoid pruning this season. All the best ^Tui Team
For cross pollination for a few trees I use a soft sable paint brush and do it by hand, Remember to buzz to complete the illusion ! Works for all fruit more or less. H
Hugh Goldsmith
Hi Hugh, that's a great tip! Thank you for sharing. Happy gardening from the Tui Team
Hi which varieties are best for frost prone areas of central Otago south island
Hi Dala, the following varieties are all good for Southern regions: Anatoki, Kakariki, Kaiteri, Unique, Apollo and Pounamu. Happy planting ^Tui Team
Tui Team
We have two different varieties of Feijoa trees, 4yr old both healthy and have had some, but not many, flowers. Producing no fruit at all. One is Anatoki and think the other is Kaiteri. Can you tell me why? Thankyou Glenny
Glenny Gillanders
Hi Glenny, thanks for getting in touch. It is good to hear your trees are growing healthily and you have two varieties to cross pollinate. Lack of cropping can be due to a lack of pollination caused by bad weather during flowering (wet, cold and/ or windy) or lack of bird activity. Other causes of poor cropping can be reasons like pests, disease, poor nutrition, or lack of watering (this is especially important over summer). In your case it is likely poor nutrition or lack of watering - unless any of the above would make sense. Your feijoa trees will benefit from a regular feeding regime to provide the right nutrients for maximum tree health and top crops. Feed your trees with Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser in spring and summer to provide your fruit trees a balanced and even spread of all essential nutrients for maximum fruiting and flowering.
Tui Team
I have read that, here in Canterbury, feijoa trees have their flowers pollinated by blackbirds. I have seen the blackbirds in action. Additionally I have seen wax-eyes seemingly eating the Feijoa flower petals. In doing this, are the wax-eyes (white-eyes ) cross pollinating?
Hi Ray, great question! Yes feijoas are mostly pollinated by birds, usually black birds, who pluck the bright red stamens (red part of the flower with yellow anthers on top). Collectively this is called a filament and is the male part of the flower. The birds collect pollen on the tops of their heads as they go from flower to flower and this pollinates the female part of the flower (stigma). The ‘stalk’ that is left.
Once the birds pluck the stamens from the flower the pollen on the birds head pollinates the female part of the flower which is the stigma this eventually swells and becomes fruit! Wax eyes are generally more bug eaters rather than nectar feeders. Enjoy your feijoas!
Tui Team
Tui has given me encouragement through different newsletters, helped me with my compost and now I have so many tiger worms they sit up and wave their hands in joy when they see me coming with all the layers. Oh a tip they love coffee grounds
Hi Lois, thank you for getting in touch with your feedback. We are pleased to hear you enjoy our newsletter and have gained helpful information from it, that's wonderful to hear. It sounds like you have made some great worm friends! Happy autumn gardening :)
Tui Team
Hi, I am just wondering if you have any feijoa seeds for sale. Thanking you
Piet Irwin
Hi Piet, thanks for getting in touch. Tui don't sell plants or seeds sorry. If growing from seed it will take a lot longer for the tree to mature and fruit – 6-7 years. We would suggest purchasing a feijoa tree from your local garden centre.
Tui Team
Greetings, we are shifting house and was wondering can we dig out and re-plant our two 1.5 metre feijoa trees? Any tips will be appreciated, thank you.
Hi Anthony, now is a good time to shift trees. You will end up with a large root ball. About a month before lifting dig to a spade depth around the dripline of the tree - the dripline is where the foliage extends out. Feijoas respond to hard pruning and will regenerate quickly, it can be cut back so that it is manageable. Feed the tree before lifting every week for about 4-6 weeks, with a solution of Tui Organic, Seaweed Plant Tonic. This will help the tree cope with transplant shock and speed up recovery. Use at a rate of 100ml per 9L watering can. Once planted mulch around the tree to help conserve soil moisture and re-establishment.
Tui Team
Hi, so I'm from the UK and every time I ask what variety of feijoa is this all I get back is acca sellowiana..... Is this the right feijoa? I want the fruit not the foliage
Haroon Akhtar
Hi Haroon, feijoa is the fruit of Acca sellowiana - this is the plant name for the feijoa species which is from the myrtle family. Within this there are a number of varieties like the ones listed above. However these are varieties available in New Zealand, so unsure which specific varieties you have in the UK.
Tui Team
Hi there, I have a 4 year old unique feijoa tree that is growing well (has fruit for the last 2 years). Looking to plant another tree beside it. Am I best to get a different variety or is the same okay as it’s a self pollinator? I'm based in Wellington.
Hi Mariola, a self fertile feijoa variety such as Unique will always benefit from a pollinator, it doesn’t have to be the same variety. ‘Unique’ is an early fruiting variety, plant a later fruiting variety so the fruiting season is extended.
Tui Team
I'm planning to plant two Feijoa trees. As you suggested to plant two different varieties. Can I plant Apollo and Kaiteri? Where do you buy your products and is it a good time to plant Feijoa now?
Wayne Stone
Hi Wayne, yes those varieties are suitable to be planted together. Autumn and spring are good times to plant feijoas. Our products are available to purchase from your local Mitre 10 store.
Tui Team
Do all feijoa varieties flower at the same time to cross pollinate or do you have to be careful which varieties you choose for this?
Anna Leslie
Hi Anna, feijoas flower from late winter through spring and fruit from early autumn (February) to early winter (May). Most feijoas are self-fertile and so do not require a pollinator, but you will get a bigger crop yield if there is another variety for cross pollination. Feijoas are mainly pollinated by birds - black birds, thrush and wax eye, they strip the red filaments off the flowers and in the process pollinate the flower. It doesn't matter which variety you have as a pollinator, as long as they flower around the same time.
The Tui Team
Hi, we have 2 feijoa trees on our property, 1 has round fruit, the other is oblong. They are spaced about 20 meters apart will that help them pollinate. Thanks.
Joe Kaaho
Hi Joe, yes, your two trees are at a good distance for pollination as birds are the primary pollinators of feijoas, as long as they can fly through the foliage and get to the flowers. Having a pollinator helps increase the number of fruit on the tree.
The Tui Team
I highly recommend the varieties 'Unique' and 'Mammoth' personally. Unique is good as it's self fertile, and Mammoth is great because they have HUGE fruit with great flavour. Just bare in mind heights and widths when buying certain varieties though, as we bought a 'Dens Choice' variety a few months ago, and didn't realize it grows to 4 meters by 4 meters! Yikes! We'll have to find a large area for that one, so be sure to note how big they get and what suits your own situation.
Tui growing tips really are a great help giving practical easy to follow tips and useful advice, big thanks to all of the Tui team!
Hi, we have a small area for gardening and have two fairly big fejoa trees (variety) unknown. They grow about 3m high by about 2.5m dia which makes them nearly impossible to mow around. As the fruit are also infected with coddling moth I am looking at removing these and maybe replacing with a Bambino and a Wiki. Hopefully these will give me more room and better quality fruit. Your thoughts would be appreciated. Cheers Dave
Dave Flanagan
Hi Dave, if you like the fruit but find the trees unmanageable your large feijoa trees can but cut right back to main branches and will come away, this will reduce fruiting for a season, but also make the tree more manageable, the time to do this is after fruiting has finished. If you are in a frost prone region, cut it back in late winter, early spring when the risk of frost has passed. The fallen fruit should be collected as it will encourage the spread of insect pests. To prevent the spread of coddling moth, although it could also be guava moth if you live in northern regions, collect up all of the fallen fruit and dispose of in the rubbish, not the compost heap, as the caterpillars overwinter in the soil and start their life cycle all over again. Guava moth moves from one host to another year round, it will move on to citrus once feijoas finish, and does not have a hibernation period like coddling moth does. Changing varieties will not stop coddling moth or guava moth. You can purchase pheromone lure traps to hang in your trees from your local garden centre, it traps the male and interrupts the life cycle. Feijoa Wiki Tu is a semi dwarf variety, it has lovely flavour and grows to 2.5 metres, Bambina grows to 1.5m high, with small fruit which are quite tart, but the whole fruit can be eaten as the skin is thin. Consider Kakapo as an alternative variety, it grows to 2-3 metres and is slow growing so regular pruning is not required. Also worth considering is Pounamu, dark green fruit with smooth skin and great flavour.
I used to grow opal star, that fruited really well, but the centre's were usually hollow, is this a common problem? As I grew several other varieties, without a problem.
Hi Gaylene, this is likely to be caused by a hot dry summer and insufficient watering as the fruit is developing. The reason Opal Star is affected and other varieties aren't may be because Opal Star is a late season variety so the developing fruit are more likely to be affected by lack of water in early summer. Consistent watering throughout the growing season and mulching around the tree to help conserve soil moisture should help improve fruit pulp.
How can I control guava moth, apart from removing leaf litter and fallen fruit? I’ve removed a nearby loquat tree as I’ve heard they feed the larvae in feijoa off season.
Hi Jenny, there are lures and traps that can be purchased from garden centres for guava moth, these are pheromone traps that lure the male and interrupt the life cycle. The difficult thing with controlling guava moth is that is has a continual life cycle with no winter dormancy, when one food source dries up, it finds another, and yes, they do over winter in loquats, Eugenia and Syzgium (lilly pilly trees) as well as having an abundant supply of citrus trees as hosts over the winter months. Try this home made lure for Guava moth, hang it in fruit trees to attract the moths as follows:
Dissolve Vegemite, sugar, vanilla essence in boiling water. Add 1 teaspoon of ammonia. Mix well. Divide the liquid between four plastic milk bottles that have had a 5cm flap cut into the side (opposite the handle, make the flap like a top hinge to keep water & rain out). The top of the flap (hinge) should be approximately 8-10cm up from the bottom of the bottle. Tie the bottle to the tree using a short tie, otherwise it swings around in the wind, make sure rain cannot get inside the flap. Hang it 1.5-2 metres up from the ground as that is the height the moths fly. Hang the lure as soon as buds burst and flowers appear, continue replacing every month until harvest. Within a few nights moths should find the lure.
Thanks just thinking about getting a feijoa or two to grow in containers - very helpful
Presumably pollinators need to be fruiting at similar times. So no good having an early and late variety together???
Warren Tapp
Hi Warren, most feijoas are self-fertile, but having another pollinator will help increase yield and so you are likely to get more fruit. Feijoas are pollinated by birds, mainly blackbirds, who strip the petals and red stamens, the pollen that collects on their heads cross pollinates the flowers, so as long as there are other feijoa trees in the vicinity, the birds will do the work. The reason for planting early and late varieties is more to stretch out your feijoa season so that you get a continuous supply of fruit.