With spring only a month away there's plenty to do in the garden. It's time to start thinking about preparing and planning for spring planting, including sprouting your seed potatoes to ensure a Christmas harvest. August is also the perfect time for a winter tidy up - clip the hedges, edges and prune a selection of fruit trees.
In the vegetable garden
Leading up to spring there's plenty to do in the vege garden from planning your crops for the coming season, preparing the soil and planting some cold hardy vegetables.
- Once the soil becomes compacted, it is very hard for air and water to move through it, which limits root growth and reduces the ability of plants to establish themselves. Blend in compost and Tui Sheep Pellets in preparation for the upcoming growing season.
- If you have planted cover crops such as mustard and lupin now is the time to dig them in. These plants will rot down in a matter of weeks, adding nutrients and organic matter to the soil.
- Plant beetroot, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, peas, mesclun, onions, silverbeet, spinach, coriander, parsley, rosemary, sage, and thyme.
- Harvest Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbages, cauliflower, celery, kale, leeks, winter lettuces, mizuna, parsnips, rocket, silverbeet, spinach.
- Lettuces - early-season lettuces and other salad crops can be planted - in colder areas you may want to use poly tunnels or protective cloches.
- Potatoes - begin sprouting seed potatoes. Most potato crops take about three months to mature, so need to be in the ground in September for a Christmas harvest. Always choose certified seed potatoes. These are specifically selected to thrive in the home garden and guaranteed to be free of viruses and pests that affect potatoes. Mix Tui Potato Food into garden beds before planting seed potatoes.
- Lay Tui Quash slug & snail control to stop slugs and snails munching on your seedlings.
Pop some herbs in for a flavour punch to your meals! Great options for now include parsley, coriander, thyme and rosemary.
In the fruit garden
Buds on fruit trees may be starting to plump or fatten up getting ready to burst into blossom as the days get longer and the temperatures warmer.
- Pick tamarillos, persimmon, avocados, and citrus – lemons, limes, mandarins.
- All deciduous fruit trees can be planted in July, August and September while the plants are still dormant. The widest selection will be available in garden stores now. All fruit require a position in full sun. Shelter from prevailing winds is preferable.
- Stake all young fruit trees to enable to roots to anchor themselves into the soil for the first few seasons.
- It's strawberry planting time, to ensure a good strawberry crop the plants need to have a period of winter chilling. The cold temperature helps stimulate the flower buds which produce the fruit. Prepare beds by working soil over with a fork, blend in Tui Sheep Pellets, and layer of Tui Strawberry Mix prior to planting.
- In frost prone areas or for sensitive plants, protect tender fruit trees with frost cloth.
- Pruning promotes new growth which means more fruiting power and capacity. It also allows more light into the plant/tree. Always remove dead and diseased wood. Prune apples, pears and apricots. Prune feijoa once fruiting is over. Avoid pruning peaches, plums and almonds in winter because it can spread the silver leaf virus. These fruits should be pruned in summer to limit its spread.
In the flower garden
With spring knocking on the door it’s all about the power of the flower. Magnolias, blossom trees, daffodils, tulips and a whole host of flowers are beginning to put on a floral finale to say goodbye to the winter blues.
- Pick Daphne, warratah, protea, azaleas, daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, camellias, viburnum, wallflowers, winter roses, hellebores, dianthus, flowering kale.
- Plant roses, gladiolus, paper daisies, dahlias in frost free areas (even though dahlias are hardy once established, new plants are not always tolerant to frost) hebes, lavender, lavatera, nemesia, azaleas, rhododendrons, violas, kale, bellis, calendula, clematis.
- Apply Tui Bulb Food to existing bulbs plantings.
- Apply a side dressing of Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser to pots and planters.
- Prune to tidy up the garden before new growth appears in the spring. If you are not sure what your plants are, a general rule of thumb is to prune after flowering, not before.
- Keep on top of weeds to prevent major problems with them in spring. Weed empty garden beds as soon as anything appears.
- A thick layer of mulch will control and even kill some small weed plants.
Click here for our Winter Gardening Guide
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August Garden Guide Comments
Hi, you talk about establishing & planting new strawberry plants but what existing strawberry beds? Fir the first time last year we had strawberry raised garden beds which were a huge success. Now we have runners everywhere & we don't want to dig up the existing plants to put sheep pellets & fertiliser in. Or do we have to?
Kylie Kelsen
Thanks for awesome information!
Hi Kylie, no you don't have to dig up your existing strawberry plants. This information is applicable if you are planting new strawberry plants - either new plants you have purchased or the runners of last year's plants which can be removed and planted out as 'new' plants. Before planting new plants we recommend digging in sheep pellets and then adding a layer of Tui Strawberry Mix. For your existing plants, we recommend removing the runners and planting them out as new plants, and feeding the existing plants with Strawberry Food every four weeks during the growing season. Thanks, Tui Team
the last two years our potato crops have had a marble effect through them here in Christchurch any suggestion on what could be wrong or how to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.
My Azaleas have been flowering for the last two months. I live in Palmerston North and we have had - 2 degrees mornings but they are still happy. I this normal. Liz
Elizabeth Duff
Hi Sally, thank you for getting in touch. This could be caused by potato psyllid or frost damage. See our information here on psyllid: http://www.tuigarden.co.nz/howtoguide/controlling-tomato-potato-psyllid If you are able to email a photo of your potatoes and the marble effect to info@tuiproducts.co.nz we will be able to help determine the issue. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team
Hi Jenna, our silver beet has what looks like 'rust' on it - how can we stop this?
Hi Liz, the seasons have been confusing for plants. That is great that the azaleas are still flowering, that means you are doing everything correctly, they are in the right spot and will continue to thrive, keep doing what you are doing. A heavy frost might nip the flowers and turn them brown but azaleas are hardy souls. Thanks, Tui Team.
Hi Shaz, rust in silverbeet is common. The best way to deal with it easily is to remove all the affected leaves. The new leaves that appear should be free of it, if all the diseased ones are removed. It?s a common problem in winter. Alternatively look for a spray that controls rust on silverbeet. Thanks, Tui Team.
I have trouble finding a nz seed sowing diary for both veg and flowers can Tui helpout here. Cheers, Earle
Earle Page
I have lots of juicy limes and would like to make lime marmalade with sliced limes not chopped up bits.
Jacky P-Kane
Hi Kylie, my existing beds I picked off runners and re plates where I wanted them.... I alternate years of horse poo and coffee grounds.....I've never had strawberries that tastes so good and big
I have 50 yr old and 30 yr old grape vine that have a lot of flaky bark on the old wood. A couple of years ago the vine had scale as I was away and they did not get sprayed. There is still dead scale on the old bark. should I peel this off and just leave clean bark?
Lois H
Hi Earle, check out this page here: http://www.tuigarden.co.nz/page/planting-calendar-poster The Planting Poster (which is listed second on the page) includes flowers as well as veges. If you are planning to grow from seeds rather than seedlings, allow an extra 3?4 weeks for planting. Happy planting from the Tui Team.
Hi Lois, you should remove the bark and discard it as it is a good nesting spot for new insects including scale. All the best, Tui Team
Hi, is it true that I should trim my lemon and lime trees before October due to there being some kind of borer insect about after that..Thanks Rod
Hi Rod & Liz,
This is a great question. The best time to prune your citrus is early summer - avoid pruning in winter and in September/October as yes you do run the risk of lemon borer laying eggs in fresh cuts.
Prune if you need to for either a desired shape, to remove any diseased stems, or to improve air circulation. Remember leaves are the life of the tree, so don’t cut unnecessarily, particularly before the tree has matured. Harvest all the fruit prior to pruning.
Protect cuts with pruning paste or water based paint to seal the wound.
Apply a side dressing with Tui Citrus Food at the same time and add a thick layer of mulch around the base of the plants to keep the roots cool over summer.
Tui Team
30% of the fruit on my peach trees rotted on the tree. last year for the first time ever. How can on stop this from happening?
Hi Kaye, it sounds like your trees have brown rot which is a fungal problem. Over winter it lives in the soil and on the bark of the tree, so you need to spray your tree and the ground now with a fungal spray to eradicate it and to prevent it from re-occurring next season. Happy gardening from the Tui Team
Tui Team
Please tell me if limes turn yellow when ripe or do they stay green. I have a bush of yellow fruit which taste like limes.
Hi Pat, this is a great question. Limes are ripe, and most sweet and juicy when the skin has turned yellow. The fruit can be used when the skin is green, but will be less juicy and more acidic. Enjoy your homegrown limes! ^Tui Team
Tui Team
Potatoes I am now digging that I got from Countdown, they were not certified at all. A good crop funny thing is they did not flower at all.
Guy Thorn
Hi Guy, not all potato varieties will flower. Nadine, Rocket and Swift may have few or no flowers on them. If grown from a supermarket potato it can be hard to determine the type once grown as they won't always grow true to type like certified seed potatoes. Enjoy your spuds! ^Tui Team
Tui Team
I planted my Highlander seed potatoes on 03.07.2020 under corrugated iron, now under frost cloth, looking good. Graeme
Graeme Miller