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Autumn Garden Must Haves

Make sure you have everything you need to enjoy and keep your garden growing over the autumn months with our autumn garden must haves!


Feeding birds is a simple way to increase the number of birds that visit your backyard, particularly when they are hungry and looking for food over the cooler months. The range of Tui Wild Bird Feeders are designed to tempt a variety of birds into your garden so you can enjoy the colour, song and beauty of New Zealand’s birds in your own backyard. All Tui feeders have a high quality construction, are weather resistant, easy to clean, and have a simple to fill design. Tui Wild Bird Seed Mix is a tasty all natural mix, containing no artificial colours or flavours, suitable for use in these feeders.

Tui are a popular bird to attract in many Kiwi backyards. The Tui Nectar Feeder, is a specialist feeder for nectar feeding birds like tui and bellbirds. Check out an exciting video of this feeder in action on our Facebook page here >


The Kent & Stowe Garden Trug is an essential accessory when planting and harvesting in your garden. Perfect for gathering vegetables and herbs, and ideal for carrying small garden tools and accessories around the garden. These popular trugs also make a great gift!


Maximise the natural goodness in your garden with Tui’s BioGro certified range. Nothing beats the taste of fresh seasonal vegetables harvested from your own patch, or the sweet scent of flowers blooming in your backyard. Gardening with Tui’s range of BioGro certified products means you can rest assured you have maximised the natural goodness in your garden. Try the Tui certified organic range including Tui Organic Compost, Tui Organic Vegetable Mix, Tui Organic Seed Raising Mix, Tui Organic Potting Mix and Tui Organic General Fertiliser this autumn!


Tui Superstrike Easycare Lawn Seed creates a fast establishing but slow growing lawn so you can spend less time mowing and maintaining your lawn, and more time enjoying it. This autumn we are celebrating 10+ years
of Tui Superstrike success, with new Tui Superstrike Easycare Lawn Seed 20% Extra Free. The 900g pack covers approximately 36 square metres for more lush green lawn from one pack.

The Easycare blend is suited to medium-high use areas and as with all Tui Superstrike lawn seed varieties, features a unique treatment encouraging fast establishment of lawn seed, so you can see results in as little as seven days.

Check out more top products here >

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Autumn Garden Must Haves Comments

  • Question is, When is the Best time to Prune Fruit trees, (ie) Apple and Feijoa Trees. ?

    Edward A Young

  • Hi Edward, it can differ between fruit tree types. For feijoas prune after harvest and apples in winter. Check out our fruit tree pruning guide here: All the best, Tui Team


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