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Bring Green Indoors

Indoor plants are a decorative addition indoors, breathing colour, life and scent into your living spaces. Houseplants are also known to add oxygen and purify the air space, contributing to a healthier home.

Choose plants that suit the environment they are in. Whether it’s your living space, kitchen or bathroom there is no limit to the area of your home you can green up.

The trick for indoor plants is to include easy to care for options that will cope well in the room they are placed, and also add style where you want it. Below are some fool proof options to indoor plant success.

Succulents are at the top of the list when it comes to low maintenance and being easy to grow. They are available in a selection of colours including greens, purples, and blues. Fitting for any room indoors, plant them up in terracotta pots, recycled tin cans or little wooden planter boxes. A little pot of succulents on your desk at work is also a refreshing touch!

For your living space…Known for their striking white flowers and green foliage, peace lilies are a popular easy to grow option. Monstera deliciosa and fiddle leaf fig are also great options that will prosper in your living space and add a nice touch of green to a white room.

For a modern statement piece try a palm or snake plant. Or if you are looking for a cascading greenery option don’t look past ivy. Its flowing foliage stands out draping down off a shelf or table.

For your bedroom…Bring green to your bedroom with pothos, one of the easiest to grow indoor plants as it copes with low light and irregular watering. With their glossy green leaves and upright habit a peace lily works well in the bedroom on a table or near a window, or make a statement with a fiddle leaf fig in a corner of the room.

For the bathroom…Bathrooms are known for their low light and high humidity. Ferns such as maidenhair, asparagus or Boston will thrive in this space and therefore make the perfect plant partner for your bathroom. Other great options for the bathroom include string of pearls, moth orchids, and peace lillies.

For the kitchen…Spider plants are suitable for any area of the kitchen to purify the air, removing odours and fumes. As a smaller plant option, they work well in a pot on the countertop. For a lush looking plant that will tolerate little care and the varying conditions in a kitchen, try a cast iron plant. Easy to care for and happy in low light areas, a rubber tree is a tough plant option for the kitchen that is great a removing toxins from the air. Or if you’re looking for an edible option – herbs are a kitchen must-have for a flavour punch at your fingertips!


To add extra interest with your greenery indoors, sit your plants in a macramé hanger or terrarium for a fun focal point in any room.

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Bring Green Indoors Comments

  • Great tools for a busy gardener

    Leanda Ritchie

  • Totally agree with your comments my house plants are very old (Too scared to tell you how old but more than 10 years )and still going and yes one is hanging in a Macrame Hanger...I do prune them back and occasionally feed them otherwise just weekly water

    Angie Gies

  • Hi Angie, that sounds wonderful. Thanks for your feedback. Indoor plants are a great way to bring green indoors to enjoy year round :) ^Tui Team


  • A home without indoor plants is like a house with no garden. My anthuriums are a picture after being repotted for many years. My moth orchids always produce beautiful blooms and my humble spider plant is a picture. New bathroom almost there. Thinking about adding a plant for the first time. Suggestions please.


  • Hi Glennis, that's a good way to put it! Got to love green indoors too. It sounds like you have some options already inside that are enjoying their spot. Bathrooms are known for their low light and high humidity. Ferns such as maidenhair, asparagus or Boston will thrive in this space and therefore make the perfect plant partner for your bathroom. Other great options for the bathroom include string of pearls, moth orchids, and peace lillies. Happy gardening ^Tui Team


  • Just thought it would be worth mentioning that peace lilies are poisonous to dogs and cats.


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