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Chicken Food – crops to grow for chickens

Chickens are such easy and fun animals to keep. They are social creatures that enjoy open spaces, plenty to eat and a good source of fresh water.

Depending on where you live will govern how many chickens and or roosters you are able to keep. Once under way, get yourself into a regular feeding pattern with your chooks, with a blend of fresh and pre-made food to provide them with a tasty varied diet. Tui Gourmet Chicken Mix is a balanced blend of seeds and grains that your chickens will love. Chickens also enjoy feeding on pasture, vegetables and fruit so ensure you offer a mixture of these to your daily feed.

Grow your own Chicken Food

Chicken Greens:

Kings Seeds have a special blend of seeds specifically to be grown as chicken food, simply labelled Chicken Greens. It’s a blend of common plants and in some cases weeds that chickens naturally seek out when roaming and feeding. It features Plantain, Minutina, Cocksfoot, Sorrel, Dandelion, Subterranean Clover, Red Clover, Beet Blend and Chicory Blend. Sold only in seed packets, this crop is ideal grown in pots, baskets and containers or in a bed just for the chickens.

Harvest as soon as leaves are big enough (between 5 and 10cm) by cutting or pinching out leaves, be careful not to pull the plants out when you harvest the leaves, as they will come again and produce more leaves if the roots are left in the ground. Avoid letting the crops flower, so you don’t end up with chicken weeds in unwanted areas of the garden.


All colours and varieties are suitable, and some say the more beets chickens eat the brighter the yolks are in their eggs.

Most chickens seem to love silver beet and will gladly eat it on a regular or daily basis. Chickens seem to prefer the leaves to the long stalks, they will leave the stalks until they are really hungry.

Seed can be sown all year round – in winter too! Plants are always available at gardens centres. To keep silver beet fresh, harvest by twisting off the leaves at the base of the plant to encourage new leaves. If plants are left to go to seed, they will reward you with free plants (seedlings) a few months later. These are easy to transplant and normally there are plenty of plants to give away to friends too.

Other veggies

Bok Choy or Pak Choy, Miners lettuce and Water cress are quick and easy crops, chooks enjoy too.


Chickweed and Fat Hen are two common weeds that chickens enjoy as well. Be careful with weeds as not all are suitable fodder for chickens. If in doubt, compost rather than feed anything unknown to your feathered members of the family.


Chickens need a good supply of fresh water at all times, they will drink between half a litre and a litre of water each day, depending on the temperature and amount of food available.

Tui Top Tips for Chickens

  • Avoid too much fresh cut grass, a few lawn clippings are ok, but don’t over do it.
  • Too much grass can bind up in the chickens gut and not digest properly.
  • Potato peelings – chickens will eat cook or mashed potato, but not raw potato peelings.

By Rachel Vogan

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Chicken Food – crops to grow for chickens Comments

  • Is it natural or chemical?


  • Hi Ryan, Tui Gourmet Chicken Mix is natural it contains: Kibbled Maize, Wheat, Barley, Sorghum, Maple Peas, Sunflower, Layers Pellets.


  • what hens do you recommend as the best layers?


  • Hi John, Rachel let us know she has Brown Shavers – they are the most common type of chickens bred for eggs in NZ. They lay well for a number of years. Ex battery hens are usually shavers. - Gemma (Tui Team)


  • we have a rooster 5 choocks.we feed them laying pelllets with fresh grass,vagies some fruit but manly leaves out of the garden.they havent seen the garden yet but when they do it will be bye bye garden.they give us 4-5 eggs a day depends thou and they love it.eggs are so fresh n our choocks

    Theresa Sutherland

  • Hi Theresa, great stuff it sounds like you have some wonderful chickens. Lovely to have fresh home-grown eggs! - Gemma (Tui Team)


  • I would like to keep only one laying hen. Is that ok to do that. Debbie


  • Hi Debbie, one hen should be fine for laying, however from the chicken's point of view it would probably be better to have two. You will need to check with your local council to see what the regulations are in terms of the number of chickens you can keep in your region. - Gemma (Tui Team)


  • The chicken greens mix, you mention it has parsley. I thought that parsley was lethal to chickens.


  • Hi D'aren, at the time the article was prepared it was understood parsley was part of the Kings seed blend, it is now noted that it isn?t, so the page has been updated. The Kings seed blend is Plantain/Minutina/Cocksfoot/Sorrel/Dandelion/Subterranean Clover/Red Clover/Beet Blend and Chicory Blend Thanks, Tui Team


  • Presently looking at starting a coop !!.., where aould the nearest stockist of Kings Chicken Seed Mix be to Pukekohe - I have not noted it to date


  • Hi Christine, that's great! You can purchase online here: or contact Kings Seeds for stockists. Thanks, Tui Team


  • HI I have recently had some baby chooks come into my flock and with the pending cold coming would I be wise to bring them and the mum in from the weather

    Steven clist

  • Hi Steven, chooks are hardy by nature, offering them a shelter where they can willingly go in and out is the ideal solution. Somewhere they can get out of the sun and away from the cold and wind is ideal. Old dog kennels work a treat if you do not have a chicken run or shrubs for them to nestle under. Keeping them indoors is ok for a few days but not ideal long term. Thanks, Tui Team


  • I'd like to grow some ground cover for my chooks - something they can wander through but not eat. We have plenty of trees but nothing closer to the ground, which when we had it (before they ate it all) they really loved. Thanks


  • Hi Jenny, chickens enjoy fresh young seedlings, therefore sowing seeds isn?t an option as your chooks will eat them as they germinate. The best options will be to plant some lower growing shrubs, maybe something like blackcurrants, gooseberries, blueberries. Thanks, Tui Team


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