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Growing undercover with Annabel

Extend your growing season by growing undercover!

Check out these tips from Annabel @thegardeningmumma in this video and enjoy fresh homegrown harvests through the seasons.

Greenhouses and tunnel houses help to extend the growing season of plants that wouldn’t usually thrive over winter. They protect your plants against the weather to help them grow faster and bigger. Most seeds germinate easier with heat, and it’s the ideal environment for propagating plants from seeds or cuttings.

If you’re looking for something smaller to create a warm, sheltered area for some specific plants, cold frames or cloches are great options that you can make yourself.

Cold frames are like mini greenhouses that are a great way to start and then harden off seedlings.

Cloches are super easy to use and are relocatable. You can simply cut off recycled clear plastic bottles to make an instant cloche for individual plants, which can easily be removed during a sunny day and put back when the temperature drops in the afternoon.

Discover our Greenhouse Growing Guide here >

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Growing undercover with Annabel Comments

  • Would love to have information on when to start seeds in a glasshouse so they are ready to plant out as soon as possible. Thanks.


    • Hi Katy, you can start your seedlings off in your glasshouse now. It does depend which region you are in for the more heat loving plants such as tomatoes, capsicum, courgette, cucumber and chillies, it is best to start those seedlings off inside as they need more heat, and then move them out into the glasshouse once they have at least two true leaves. Lettuce, brassicas, peas, beans spinach and silverbeet, as well as annual flower seeds can all be started in a glasshouse now. If you aren’t in an area where the ground is frozen or there are heavy frosts you could sow direct carrots, beetroot, coriander and mesclun.


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