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Heather's Feijoa and Ginger Jam

This recipe for Feijoa and Ginger Jam was kindly supplied by Heather from Waikanae Beach as part of the Harvest Recipe competition. A keen amateur gardener, Heather has 9 feijoa trees on her property and makes the most out of them when they are in season. She says that the ginger adds a nice 'surprise' element to the jam.


  • 1 kg feijoa flesh (cut in half and scoop out the flesh)
  • 2/3 cup water
  • 600gm white sugar
  • Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 packet of crystalised ginger - chopped into chunks
  • 1 tsp powdered ginger
  1. Bring water and feijoa pulp to the boil in a large pan, and cook rapidly until the fruit is soft.
  2. Add lemon juice, rind and sugar, and stir until all the sugar has dissolved.
  3. Add the ginger powder.
  4. Bring back to a rapid boil, stirring from time to time so it doesn't stick on the bottom of the pan.
  5. After about 10 minutes, check a small amount of jam on a plate, push with your finger and if it ripples, it is at setting point. If still too runny, boil a further 5 minutes and check again.
  6. Stir through the chopped ginger.
  7. Bottle in sterilized jars and seal.

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Heather's Feijoa and Ginger Jam Comments

  • Trythis

    Sue Matheson

  • love this fejoa and ginger jam thans so much


  • I enjoy reading Tui Time e-mail magazine as it has lots of enjoyable articles and all the hints and others who share their ideas and recipes on line its a great read.

    Joan Potts

  • Thanks Joan, that is great to hear! -Gemma (Tui Team)


  • You're welcome! -Gemma (Tui Team)


  • I have just made my second batch of this delicious jam. Many thanks


  • Hi, just wondering how much jam this recipe makes?


  • Great recipe

    Noelene Landrigan

  • Hi Heather, we live out in the country and have a 1kg bag of crystalised ginger... when you say a packet do you know roughly how many grams please?


  • Quick, easy tasty recipe


    • Hi Wendy, that's wonderful to hear. Thanks for your feedback and happy cooking!

      Tui Team

  • Hi, you have a recipe for Heather's Feijoa and Ginger Jam on your website. One of the ingredients is a packet of crystallized ginger. Can you please tell me the weight of a packet of ginger - I am not sure how much ginger is one packet

    Anna Scheepers

    • Hi Anna, it will depend on the brand you purchase (sorry we don't know which brand Heather used), however there is generally around 150g in a packet. 

      Tui Team

    • Thank you so very much

      Anna Scheepers

  • Two of my favourite fruits AND in ONE JAM. Can almost taste it already...🛎

    Ronwyn Bell

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