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June's Feijoa, Apricot & Cardamom Chutney

Thanks to June of Auckland for this rich sweet chutney recipe that only improves with age and goes very well with everything from cheese and ham to game meat and chicken.


  • 1.5kg of feijoas peeled and chopped
  • 1kg sugar
  • 750g apples peeled and chopped
  • 200ml malt vinegar
  • 1 ½ tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 tsp coarsely ground black peppercorns
  • 5 cardamom pods crushed (I use heaped tsp crushed seeds)
  • 150g raisins ½ tbsp salt
  • ½ tsp ground cloves
  • 250g dried apricots halved
  1. Put all ingredients in a large pot and cook for two hours. Stir occasionally to prevent catching on the bottom.
  2. Pour into sterilised jars and seal.

Read Tui's Feijoa Growing Guide here

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June's Feijoa, Apricot & Cardamom Chutney Comments

  • Sounds yummy first opportunity I'll be making,great to see a recipe with no garlic.

    Sue Ingram

  • Hi Do you chop the feijoas skins and all


  • Hi Robyn, you peel the feijoas first and then chop them up :) Thanks Jenna - Tui Team


  • I just scoop them out with a teaspoon and don't bother chopping them. Enjoy!


  • Can you use powdered cardamom instead of whole pods?

    Barbara Bowyer

  • Hi Barbara, I will ask June if powdered cardamom can be used and get back to you. Thanks! Jenna - Tui Team


  • this sounds great. has anyone bottled fijoas?


    • Yes. Have bottled them. No problems whatsoever. Go for it.


  • Hi Barbara, I spoke to June and although she has not tried the chutney with powdered cardamom she said it shouldn't be a problem to use it. Let us know how it turns out! Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • I haven't bottled them but I freeze them by peeling and slicing fruit into thirds or halves.Drop into water with lemon juice or salt added to keep the colour. Make a syrup of sugar & water, bring to boil, rinse fruit & drop into syrup & Poach gently for approx. 3 or 4 mins. Ladle into plastic jars when cold, screw lids on and pop into freezer. When required, I let them defrost in jars and they are ready to use.Their flavour is as if they had just been picked - even after 1 year! No doubt you could bottle them this way also .Enjoy!


  • Hi Mahora, this is a great idea! Would be lovely to have feijoas handy all year round. Thank you for sharing. Jenna - Tui Team


  • Hi, I have been making feijoa chutney for some years now. Decided it's time for a different recipe so will try the one above. I have also been freezing them by: peel, chop and mix through some lemon juice. Keeps well to use in recipes over the year. Less work than the syrup method.


  • Hi Lyn that is a great suggestion for freezing feijoas! Thank you for sharing with us :) - Tui Team


  • I made it with 400gm sugar, added a bit of cayenne and used 1tsp powdered cardamom. Very tasty


  • I have made feijoa chutney for many years using the whole fruit.. time for a change, but I will chop the whole fruit, seems such a waste!- I'll let you know how it goes


  • I have bottled feijoas peel cut in half place in jars add syrup(1 cup sugar to 3 cups water) seal place in middle oven at 140 C until bubbles rise from bottom of jar.


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