New Zealand native plants are renowned for dramatic foliage, textures and contrasts, they fit well with most garden designs, are hardy, low maintenance and if planted in the right place will be long lived.
There are native plants for all garden situations! Read on for our top native plants for different places.

NZ native plants for pots
Native plants suit landscaping trends with bold dramatic foliage to create a tropical effect and planting in containers is the perfect way to showcase these plants. They are hardy, easy care, look good year round and can remain in containers for several years with regular watering and feeding using a controlled release fertiliser or a sprinkle of Tui Mini Sheep pellets (or Performance Naturals All Purpose pellets) around the top of the pot in autumn and spring.
Native plants to consider for pots and containers:
Agathis (Kauri), Astelia, Carex, Coprosma, Cordyline (Cabbage Tree), Corokia, Fuchsia procumbens, Hebe,
Griselinia, Libertia, Meryta (Puka), Pittosporum, Pōhutukawa, Phormium (Flax), Pseudopanax (Lancewood), Xeronema (Poor Knights Lily).

Meryta / puka
NZ native plants for shade
It can be difficult to find plants suitable for shady areas of the garden. NZ natives are happy to fill that space and will cope with low light situations. Smaller plants will adapt to difficult conditions quicker than large trees.
Native plants to consider for shady areas of the garden (check the plant label for plant shade preferences):
Arthropodium (Renga Renga Lily), Coprosma, Corokia, Griselinia, Libertia, Meryta (Puka), Myosotidium (Chatham Islands Forget-Me-Not), Pittosporum, ferns, Pseudopanax (Lancewood), Rhopalostylis (Nikau), Melicytus ramiflorus (Māhoe), Myrsine australis (Māpou).

Kōwhai / sophora
NZ native plants to attract birds
Attract bird song to the garden from nectar feeders such as Tūī and Bellbirds and insect eaters such as wax eye and fantails/pīwakawaka.
Native plants to consider to attract birds to the garden:
Alectryon (Tītoki), Clianthus, Coprosma, Knightia (Rewarewa), Metrosideros (Rata and Pōhutukawa), Phormium, Sophora (Kōwhai), Tecomanthe, Vitex (Pūriri), Melicytus ramiflorus (Māhoe), Myrsine australis (Māpou).

Rata / metrosideros
NZ native climbers
Climbing plants soften features in the garden climbing up archways, along fences, balconies, or trellis. They are mostly evergreen and have the added bonus of attractive flowers in spring and autumn.
Native climbers:
Clematis paniculata, Metrosideros (Rata), Tecomanthe speciosa.

NZ natives plants for dramatic foliage
Some of the most striking foliage plants are NZ natives and are sought after as features for a modern contemporary look, as well as for their hardiness and adaptability. Combined with river rocks, crushed shell or underplanted with ground covers finishes off the planting.
Native plants to consider for dramatic foliage:
Arthropodium (Renga Renga Lily), Astelia, Cordyline, Carex, Coprosma, ferns, Griselinia, Hoheria, Meryta (Puka), Phormium (Flax), Psuedopanax (Lancewood), Xeronema (Poor Knights Lily).

Chatham Islands forget-me-not
NZ native plants for garden colour
NZ native plants are not renowned for bright bold flowers, but there are some worth considering to add colour to the garden.
Native plants for garden colour:
Clianthus (Kaka Beak), Clematis paniculata, Hebe, Leptospermum, Metrosideros (Pōhutukawa and Rata), Myosotidium (Chatham Islands Forget-Me-Not), Senecio, Sophora (Kōwhai), Xeronema (Poor Knights Lily).
Made from BioGro certified ingredients, Tui Performance Organics Native Mix contains seaweed to naturally support root development and sheep manure to condition the soil. This low phosphorus formulation provides native plants with the ideal blend of nutrients, and is also perfect for other phosphorus-sensitive plants such as proteas, grevilleas and banksias. Use throughout your garden beds, pots and containers to create the ideal growing conditions for your plants.
Check out our Natives Growing Guide here >
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