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New Tui Premium Compost

In time for spring we're excited to launch new Tui Premium Compost - the ultimate ingredient to deliver outstanding results in your garden.

Healthy, conditioned soil is essential to get the most from your plants. Tui Premium Compost not only replenishes soil with nutrient rich organic matter, the inclusion of NovaTec® provides sustained feeding for your plants.

Key benefits:

  • NovaTec - nitrogen stabilising technology provides a sustained release of plant-ready nitrogen.
  • Blood & Bone - to improve soil structure and replenish nutrients used by plants during the growing process.
  • Gypsum - a slow-release source of calcium to improve soil structure, aeration, water retention and promote healthy root growth.

Use Tui Premium Compost to help break up heavy or clay soil, improve drainage, and increase water holding capacity. 

Find out more and where to buy here >

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New Tui Premium Compost Comments

  • Premium products = good for garden and us.

    Barbara Shaw

  • Compost sounds good will try it well planting runner beans this year.


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