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Parkland School - Vegetable Fritters

This recipe was provided by Parkland School in Palmerston North as part of their entry into the Tui School Garden Challenge, they made it using veggies grown in the school's garden.


  • silverbeet
  • celery
  • cabbage
  • spring onion
  • parsley
  • Flour
  • 2 eggs
  • water
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • vegetable or canola oil
  1. Prepare and slice all vegetables into small pieces.
  2. In a bowl, mix flour, water, 2 eggs, salt and pepper into a pasty consistency.
  3. Add more water or flour when needed.  Mix in vegetables and fully coat with batter.
  4. Shallow fry a big spoonful of the mixture into a pan.
  5. Cook one side until golden brown and flip.
  6. Lay on to paper towels and serve hot.
  7. You can enjoy it as a snack or put into your sandwiches for a hearty and healthy meal. Enjoy!

Recipe courtesy of Parkland School, Palmerston North.

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Parkland School - Vegetable Fritters Comments

  • What a fantastic job you have done Room 8. I was really surprised to get such a great email about winning the pack from Tui. I know your fritters are awesome because I have tasted them. Well done to you all. Thankyou Ms Gonzales

    Peter Barnett

  • Congratulations. I heard about your win on the radio this morning. I am going to make the fritters during the weekend. They certainly sound yummy !!

    Barbara Phillips

  • We make similar without eggs(we use pea flour), And we love them.

    Jeanette Ross

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