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Proud partner of Garden to Table

Tui have supported Garden to Table for the past 7 years and are proud to have now become an official partner.

We have donated $30,000 so we can continue helping Kiwi children learn to grow and prepare nourishing meals along with valuable life skills.

Who is Garden to Table, and what do they do?

Garden to Table is a curriculum integrated programme that work with thousands of primary school children nationwide, helping them discover the goodness of fresh seasonal food, along with the skills they need to grow and prepare it. It also teaches children:

Resilience, by empowering children to feed themselves, in a hands-on, fun learning environment. 

Sustainability, by helping children understand the nature of the food system and respect for the environment.

Good food choices, and where their food comes from. 

Life skills, which will last a lifetime. 

Over the last 7 years we've had lots of opportunities to support Garden to Table including:

  • Donating garden starter packs to schools 
  • Supporting the Great New Zealand Seedling Sale 
  • Donating garden prizes to the Young Gardener of the Year
  • Carried out community days helping schools build new garden beds 
  • Created learning resources, and lots of other great initiatives! 

We're excited for this next chapter in our Garden to Table partnership. 

Find out how you can support Garden to Table here


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