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Spring into Action & grow veges like Anya


Nothing beats the satisfaction of ‘growing your own’ food. Spring is an ideal time to plant your patch for the warmer months.

The soil is warming and there's plenty of options to choose from to reap benefits of fresh homegrown food. Follow our guide, get the kids involved and spring into action to sort your vege patch for summer.

Choose your veges

Choose crops that suit the time of year, amount of garden space you have, and those your family enjoy eating and cooking with. Our Planting Calendar has a handy list detailing what to plant each month, based on your region.

Anya and Talia have planted their very own vege patch and are excited to give planting a go and snack on the harvests once ready!

They chose quick win crops including basil, beetroot, parsley, kale, lettuce, rocket, spinach and spring onions. These are great beginner crops if you are starting out in the garden. Anya has also chose peas for her patch and Tahlia chose radish as she loves their bright red colour.

Leafy crops like spinach, rocket and lettuce can be harvested a leaf at a time and the plant will regrow for a continued supply.

Add flowers like marigolds and calendula between your veges for a pop of colour and to bring in the bees!


Next it's time to get the soil prepared for planting! Anya and Talia planted early in the morning before the sun got too hot. Starting with an existing garden bed, they dug in Tui Organic Sheep Pellets and compost to replenish the soil.

They then added a layer of Tui Performance Organics Vegetable Mix, containing all the goodies their veges need for the best start and sustained growth throughout the season. Below are the simple steps to planting they followed:

  • Soak seedlings in a bucket of Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic and allow to drain. This helps prevent transplant shock.
  • Dig a hole, approximately twice the depth and width of the root ball of your plant.
  • Gently loosen the root ball of your plant and position the plant in the centre of the hole.
  • Press soil gently around the base of the plant.
  • Water your vege plants well.

Sprinkle Tui Quash around seedlings to prevent slugs and snails beating you to your veges. 

Top vege care

The girls will be feeding their veges every 6-8 weeks with Tui Performance Organics Tomato & Vegetable Fertiliser Pellets over the growing season for a bumper crop! The pellets are simple to measure and mess-free for easy application. They're also suitable for use in pots and containers.  

As their veges grow the girls will make sure they are regularly watered - a great evening task! A well watered, well nourished vegetable garden will have a better chance of keeping insect pests and diseases at bay.

Discover more top beginner crops here >

When should I plant
  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec
  • Harvest in 90-120 days

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Spring into Action & grow veges like Anya Comments

  • I love getting your emails with all your handy gardening tips and updates on new and old ideas....there is always something new to learn no matter what your age or gardening experience. And so nice that your updates are not full of blatant advertising. Thanks guys.

    Janice Austin

    • Hi Janice, thanks very much for your feedback. We appreciate you getting in touch and are pleased to hear you enjoy our gardening information and ideas. We aim to inspire gardeners of all ages to create a garden they love, and discover the joy of growing their own. We hope you have a successful spring in the garden. Happy gardening!

      Tui Team

  • very good info

    ian williams

    • Thanks for your feedback Ian. Happy spring gardening from the Tui Team!

      Tui Team

  • Thank you for your handy hints. I love growing my own vegetables

    Dorothy Hylton

    • Hi Dorothy, that's wonderful. We're pleased to hear you enjoy our gardening information. We hope you have a successful season in the garden :)

      Tui Team

  • My soil keeps sinking into the ground. What can I do?

    Ginny Herbert

    • Hi Ginny, this symptom suggests your soil hasn’t been well compacted or that you may have an unresolved drainage issue in your garden. Suggest digging some large holes to see what is going on below the surface and then remedy what you find.

      Tui Team

  • I get seaweed from the beach put it in a sack in a bucket and water the garden. 

    joyce hayde

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