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The little brown bug that could cause a big stink

The brown marmorated stink bug

Preparing for emerging pests and diseases that could affect New Zealand’s environment and economy is a key role for the Ministry for Primary Industries.
The Ministry has been keeping an eye on the brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys or BMSB) for a number of years now and has stepped up its efforts to keep this pest out of New Zealand - or detect it early should it get here. This is in response to the insect emerging as a serious horticultural pest in the United States.
BMSB is native to Asia and has aggressively invaded the United States and has now been found in Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, Greece, Italy and France. The New Zealand horticulture industry currently lists it as one of the top six pests of concern.

Almost any crop can be at risk from the BMSB including: citrus; pip fruit; stone fruit; berries and grapes; asparagus; soybeans; sweet corn and maize; honeysuckle; maple; butterfly bush; cypress, hibiscus; and roses.

Also when they hibernate over winter in buildings and houses they can be a nuisance, as when disturbed or crushed they emit a characteristic, unpleasant, long-lasting odour (although this does not pose any health threat).

What is MPI doing about this threat?

MPI is currently trialling 50 traps in high risk areas to determine the feasibility of integrating pheromone lures for BMSB into its existing trapping programmes. Border and transitional facilities have also been put on alert for BMSB.

MPI are also rolling out a public awareness campaign. Soon they’ll begin by targeting travellers from the United States via advertisements on airline e-tickets. Closer to Christmas, travellers into Auckland International Airport will be welcomed by giant digital stink bugs on arrivals baggage carousels.

These bugs don’t just hitch-hike with human travellers. They can also arrive through cargo and mail. That’s why we’re working with NZ Post and their US based warehouses to raise awareness by putting up posters at mail centres and warehouses and providing information on NZ Post’s website to encourage people to open their parcels indoors.

Finally New Zealanders shopping on eBay will see digital ads encouraging them to carefully check their parcels when they receive them.

More information

To find out more about the brown marmorated stink bug, visit

BMSB has not been detected in New Zealand – to report any suspect sightings phone MPI on 0800 80 99 66.

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