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Tops tips for salad greens

Salad greens are one of the easiest and fastest growing crops, and some of the tastiest! Check out our top tips and enjoy fresh salad greens for salads and sandwiches this season.

  • Salad boxes can be planted densely, so you can fit plenty of fresh greens in!
  • Choose a spot close to the kitchen for easy access.
  • Harvest a leaf at a time as needed, rather than the whole plant.
  • Plant seedlings in a zig zag pattern so there is room for each plant to grow and you can fit more in the container.
  • If you're looking for other container options, a container as small as a kitchen bucket is big enough to grow your own salad ingredients. Fill containers with Tui Vegetable Mix and plant.
  • Salad greens also grow well in raised garden beds.
  • For quick results sow seeds of mesclun salad blends, they can be harvested as microgreens too. For added variety, plant spring onions, celery and scatter a few radish seeds.
  • A blend of herbs, salad greens and tomatoes provides both an attractive and edible container option.
  • Plants grown in containers dry out quicker than in garden beds so regular watering is needed. It is best to water deeply twice a week rather than a little each day to encourage deep roots.
  • Water in the morning or evening to avoid water evaporation.
  • Apply Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic every 2-4 weeks to promote strong root growth and keep your salad garden thriving.
  • Mulch your salad green garden with Tui Pea Straw Mulch to keep roots moist and conserve moisture.

Click here for our Portable Summer Salad Garden Guide >


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Tops tips for salad greens Comments

  • I plant the cut ends of salad greens that I bought from the grocery. All of them grow for a few weeks then start to bod and grow vertical. is it because they are in the greenhouse?

    Janet Jin

    • They are grown in perlite and vermiculite, sometimes peat and before going into the grocery store have been in a glasshouse and fertilised through hydroponics, so the growth is soft and not hardened off. Once you have harvested the salad greens and put them into the garden, effectively you have cut the leaves off and any way for them to produce food for themselves, they haven’t been hardened off sufficiently and have probably run out of nutrients. Buy and sow seed and continuously plant (every fortnight?) to maintain an endless crop of salad greens in the garden.

      Tui Team

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