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Do I remove the flowers off my young lemon tree?

  Hawkes Bay


Hi, do I need to take the flowers off my lemon tree the first time it flowers and if so when is it best to do it. Also, is it ok to grow lemon trees in a pot? Thank you.



Hi Carol, you can let your lemon tree flower, but if any fruit set, remove them in the first year so that the tree establishes. If you leave fruit on a young tree, the plants energies go into producing fruit and seeds, rather than establishing a strong root system to support the tree in later years. Regular applications of Tui Seaweed Plant Tonic will help stimulate root development, as well as improve overall plant health. Lemon trees (and other citrus) can be grown in pots, to grow them in containers you are better to choose a variety that is on dwarf rootstock, and eventually you will need a pot that is at least 50cm in diameter. A smaller pot can be used in the first few years, but for the tree to really flourish, it will need to be in a bigger pot eventually. Make sure you use a quality potting mix such as Tui Citrus and Fruit mix that is free-draining and has all of the nutrients required for healthy growth. Check that the pot you plant into has good holes for drainage. Watering is key, through the summer months it could require daily watering, depending upon the weather. Lianne, Tui Team.

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