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How do I control passionvine hopper on my raspberry canes?

  Bay of Plenty


Hi Tui, how do I control lace wing butterflies on my raspberry canes?

Catherine Gettins


Hi Catherine 

They're very hard to control as they flick away as soon as anything touches them. Make sure your raspberries are well watered and regularly fed as passionvine hoppers can sense a plant that is not thriving and will invade. Regularly hosing them off may also help or you could try a pyrethrum based sprays. The best stage to control passionvine hopper is when they are in the nymph stage (with the fluffy tuft on the tail – fluffy bums) as they have no wings. 

Thanks, Tui Team. 

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How do I control passionvine hopper on my raspberry canes? Comments

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