Hawkes Bay
Hi, my Tamarillo tree is about six months old, and keeps growing straight up with no branching. Is there some way to get it to branch out. Its about 2m high at this stage.
wally shuker
Hi Wally, pinch the main growing tip out of your tamarillo and it will start to branch, the best height to do this is at 1.5 - 2m. The only thing you need to watch out for is frost, if you are likely to have frosts in the next 4-6 weeks, then you are better to wait until early spring before removing the growing tip. By pinching the main growing tip out the tree will send out new shoots which become branches, tamarillo are frost tender and the new growth will get knocked back by frost as it won't have had time to harden off before winter. If you are frost free, pinch the tip out now. Make sure you stake your tree to support the new growth. Lianne
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