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How do I get started with my Tui Worm farm?



Hi team! I just got my Tui worm farm and I'm very excited to get started. I followed the set up instructions and have managed to put it together, nice and easy. However I'm not sure exactly how to get it ready for the worms. Do I mix the coir bedding with water and split it between the two trays? Or do I just put one tray in at a time? I am slightly confused. Thanks.

Helen Keane


Hi Helen, congratulations on your purchase. Start with one tray. Soak the bedding block in water to expand, fluff it up and place on the bottom of the tray. Place your worms into the worm farm and start feeding them with chopped up vegetable scraps, the smaller the better and the faster the food will get eaten, they will probably need feeding every couple of days, it just depends how quickly they eat the food. Once the tray is full or you want to harvest the worm castings, stop feeding them in the first tray, place new bedding into the next tray and the worms will migrate to the next tray. It doesn't matter which way the trays are, but suggest putting the second tray on the bottom. The new bedding could be another coir block, peat, shredded newspaper or garden soil. If you have a worm blanket place that over your worms to keep them cool and moist, if you don't have a blanket use a strip of carpet, cardboard or damp newspaper. There is a booklet in the worm farm with instructions on how to get started, let me know if you need another copy. Good luck! The Tui Team.

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