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How do I pollinate my glasshouse tomatoes?



Hi Tui, I am growing tomatoes in my glasshouse for the first time, how do I pollinate them if I can't get any bees in there. Thanks.

Alison king


Hi Alison, tomatoes are self-pollinating, in the outdoors pollination occurs through wind, as well as insects, bees and bumble bees. Go into your glasshouse every couple of days and gently shake the plants to distribute the pollen. Another effective way to pollinate flowers is to use a small (artists) paint brush or cotton bud and hand pollinate the flowers, doing the bees job of transferring pollen. The best time to do this is in the middle of the day, it is time consuming, but effective. Try opening your glasshouse during the day to let air in and circulate around the plants, insects, bees and bumble bees can then enter and work their magic. The Tui Team.

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How do I pollinate my glasshouse tomatoes? Comments

  • Hi I have sucessfully coaxed bees into my glasshouse today by putting a potted lavender plant at tbe entrance then cot two bunches of borage and hung them between my tomato plants I've just sat and watched a bee going from flower to flower happily doing its job !!!

    Rhonda Henderson

    • Hi Rhonda, that is an awesome idea, so glad it has worked and the bees have found their way into your glasshouse.


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