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I have an orange tree in the middle of my raised vege garden, will this affect my other veges? 



Hi, I hope you can help me with this one. I have planted an orange tree in the middle of my raised vegetable garden, with lettuce, parsley, spring onions, capsicums and sweet peas. Will the acidity of the orange tree contradict the requirements of the vegetables? It looks glorious, but perhaps I should have the citrus in a pot? Look forward to your answer thank you.

Simone McKegg


Hi Simone 

The tree won’t affect the acidity of the soil, but the garden will need to be replenished with organic matter each time you replant your vegetables. The tree and vegetables will both be competing for moisture and nutrients so regular feeding with sheep pellets, Tui NovaTec Premium or Tui Vegetable Food will provide nutrients. Also ensure the tree is watered regularly. Your tree could be planted in a pot and placed in the garden, but it will need to be a large pot so that you aren’t having to regularly re-pot the tree. This will reduce the plants competition for nutrients and water.

Thanks, Tui Team

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I have an orange tree in the middle of my raised vege garden, will this affect my other veges?  Comments

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