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I want to create a 'herbal lei' under my fruit trees. How close should I plant them to the tree?



Hi, I want to create a 'herbal lei' with beneficial companion plants such as Comfrey, Borage, chamomile, etc. under my fruit trees. How close to the tree's trunk should I plant them? 



Hi Tom 

It depends how established the trees are as to how close to the base you can plant, as the tree roots may be near the surface and very hard to plant into.

It is a good idea to create a raised bed around the tree by adding a layer of Tui Compost or Tui Garden Mix to plant into. Plant approximately 10cm away from the base of the tree as a guideline.

Thanks, Tui Team. 

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I want to create a 'herbal lei' under my fruit trees. How close should I plant them to the tree? Comments

  • My sage and basil are very bountiful just now, how can I freeze individual leaves for use in winter meals? Thanks for all Tui Tips, J.


    • Hi Joanne, it is possible to capture your summer herb goodness by rinsing the basil and place into a food processor, pulse with a drizzle of olive oil to coat, this will stop the basil going black in the freezer, place into ice cubes and once frozen, pop into resealable bags. For sage leaves rinse and dry, place in freezer bags, use as needed, they will last in the freezer for up to a year.

      The Tui Team

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