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My hydrangeas were hit by frost, can I now remove the damaged foliage?



Hi Tui, my hydrangeas were hit with a late frost which burnt off the tips of the plant. Now all the blooms are in the middle of the plant with strong leaf growth on the outside. Can I prune this back to let the blooms through? Thanks.

Sharon Lee


Hi Sharon, yes, you can now safely cut back the frost damaged growth to let the new growth through. The reason you don't remove frost damaged foliage soon after it has occurred is because by cutting plants back it forces new growth which could potentially get frosted again if it hasn't had a chance to harden off. Who knows what our crazy seasons are doing, but the risk of frost should have hopefully passed now, go ahead and trim the plants. Try using Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic on your hydrangeas, seaweed plant tonic gives frost protection to plants up to -5 degrees C. It will also help your plants tolerate weather events and temperature fluctuations, it helps grow stronger healthier plants. Apply every 2-4 weeks, it can be applied throughout the year. The Tui Team.

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My hydrangeas were hit by frost, can I now remove the damaged foliage? Comments

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