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My passionfruit have brown spots appearing, what can I do?



Hi Tui, some of my passionfruit are getting light brown spots on the outside, how can I fix this? Thanks.



Hi Fran, that is Brown Spot, a common fungal disease of passionfruit and prevalent in spring and summer. Remove the infected fruit and leaves, pickup any fallen leaves and fruit to help stop the disease spreading. Regular applications of a copper based fungicide spray are effective as a preventative measure. Improve air circulation around the vine by thinning to minimise conditions for the fungal disease to spread. Keep your vine regularly fed with a specialty fertiliser such as Tui Citrus Food, every 4-6 weeks in the growing season, make sure it is well watered and mulch around the vine to help conserve soil moisture. The Tui Team.

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My passionfruit have brown spots appearing, what can I do? Comments

  • You say use copper based sprays to treat brown spot on passionfruit. Will any copper based spray suffice or are there any specific ones recommended.

    Kelvin Dunn

    • Lianne

      Hi Kelvin, any copper based spray will suffice, look for ones that have a surfactant in it as this adheres to the leaf better and gives better coverage. Your local garden centre will be able to recommend the right spray for you. Just be mindful copper sprays are a protectant and not a curative treatment, along with consistent watering and feeding and air flow around the plant, you should be able to keep your plants relatively disease free.

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