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Should I pick the flowers off my young dwarf lemon tree?



Hi, I have a dwarf lemon that is about a year old. It is covered in flowers, should I take some of these off because it is a young tree?

Gill Robertson


Hi Gill,

The tree will naturally abort any fruit that set if it can’t support the fruit. You may find one or two fruit set and mature, but there's no need to pick off the flowers. 

Make sure your tree is well watered, well fed and mulch around it to help keep the roots cool and moist. Feed the tree now in spring and again in late summer and early autumn with a suitable fertiliser. We recommend Tui Citrus Food or Tui Enrich Fruit, Citrus, Tree & Shrub Controlled Release Fertiliser if your tree is in a pot.

Thanks, Tui Team. 

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Should I pick the flowers off my young dwarf lemon tree? Comments

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