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Should I trim the lower leaves on my tomato plants?



Hi Tui, I have lots of healthy leaves on my tomato plants. Should I trim some of the lower leaves off? They are outside facing north against a brick wall. Thanks.

Merle Buchanan


Hi Merle, some people choose to trim the lower leaves of their tomato plants, others don't. The advantage in removing the lower leaves is that the plants energies go into producing fruit rather than a lot of foliage. Also the lower leaves tend to get powdery mildew so it is good to remove them to stop disease spreading. Because your plants are up against a brick wall, it would be a good idea for you to remove the leaves to improve air circulation around your plants. Cut the leaves off at the main stem where they branch out, trim up to the first fruit truss, and remove other leaves as you see fit. This will help let the sun in to ripen fruit as well. The Tui Team.

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