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The leaves of my courgette plants have been eaten overnight, what can it be?

  Bay of Plenty


Hi Tui, I have planted two courgettes and overnight the have had the leading leaf attacked. It appears to be a small attacker as the leaf is very thinly eaten what can if be and what can I do please.

Bob Banks


Hi Bob,

It is still early days for planting courgettes as overnight temperatures are still cool. Slugs and snails will be the culprits eating your courgettes, apply Tui Quash around your plants, it is the safest slug and snail bait to use especially if you have pets and children in the garden. Alternatively, it could be hungry birds, but as it happened overnight and slugs and snails are nocturnal, they are the likely culprits. Regards, The Tui Team. 

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The leaves of my courgette plants have been eaten overnight, what can it be? Comments

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