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The worms in my worm farm are on the surface of the food, is that okay?



HI, my worms in the worm farm are on top of their food. I thought they were meant to be in it or underneath it. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.

Malcolm Millar


Hi Malcolm, it is very important that worms have a moist environment, and so it is always good practice to put a layer on top of your worms to keep them moist, such as a layer of damp cardboard, newspaper or felted wool, which they will eat through eventually. If worms get too hot they will head downwards. Worms feed on the micro-organisms that flourish on rotting organic fruit and vegetable material, they could be waiting for the micro-organisms to appear and are waiting on their next meal. At this stage you probably don't need to be concerned, unless the population is dwindling. If it is thriving, let it be and just keep an eye on them. The Tui Team.

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The worms in my worm farm are on the surface of the food, is that okay? Comments

  • My 3 layers of worm farm have been taken over by ants. There are worms hanging around the rim and lid. I’m not sure they like ants any more than I do. But how to get rid of them with out hurting my worms?

    Jan Dennis

    • Lianne

      Hi Jan, if the ants have made their way into the worm farm that indicates that the worm farm is on the dry side or slightly acidic. If there are small white 'midges' in the worm farm then that is a sure sign that conditions are acidic, worms prefer an environment with a more neutral pH. Raise the moisture level slightly by adding a bit more water and apply Tui Worm Farm and Compost Conditioner to change the pH. Try disturbing the area where the ants are, this should send the ants packing. If that doesn't work, try smearing vaseline around the legs of the worm farm or isolating the legs by placing them in a container of water. I hope this is helpful information and you eliminate the ants easily, don't use any insecticides or ant sand near or around the worm farm.  

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