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What is the best Tui mulch for azalea and rhododendrons?



Hi Tui, what is the best Tui mulch for azalea and rhododendrons? I live in Oamaru. Thanks.

Viv Tobin


Hi Viv, Tui have two suitable mulches for your garden, Tui Mulch and Feed, which is a bark base with added blood and bone, sheep manure, Saturaid to channel water to the roots mixed with a blend of straw to add organic matter to the soil. The other mix is Tui Superlight Potting mix which is 70% peat moss, peat has acid soil properties which is what Azaleas and Rhododendrons enjoy. It also contains a six month controlled release fertiliser, Saturaid and fine bark. 

Make sure mulch is applied when the soil is damp and not dry as it will be hard to get moisture into the soil if it is applied on top of dry soils, or too cold or after frosts as the mulch will insulate the soil and keep the cold in. The Tui Team.

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