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What plants grow well in cold shady areas?



Hello, what plants can I grow in a very cold shady area?



Hi Sharyn 

Trees that will grow in shade are camellia, rhododendron, kalmia, azalea, daphne, and hydrangea. Other plants include hellebores, liriope, hostas, heuchera, mondo grass, astilbe, and possibly fuchsia.

Make sure that the soil is built up with organic matter such as Tui Compost and Tui Sheep Pellets to improve soil structure and Tui Garden Mix to add a base of essential nutrients. It would also be a good idea to mulch around the plants in spring and late summer to help insulate the roots and protect them from the cold. Don’t apply mulch after the frosts as it will insulate the ground and keep the cold in the soil, do it well before frosts start.

Thanks, Tui Team. 

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