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What pot size is best for a feijoa?



Hi, what size pot would I need to plant a feijoa Bambino please?

Diane Grey


Hi Diane, we suggest putting it in a wine barrel or a pot at least 50-60cm in diameter. Use a quality mix such as Tui Pot Power which contains all of the nutrients the plant requires and also Saturaid to channel water to roots, as well as water crystals to help retain moisture in the mix.

Make sure it is in a sunny position and is regularly watered over the summer months. The Bambino fruit can be quite sour so we recommend a fertiliser rich in potassium (K) as this will help improve fruit flavour and sweetness. Tui NovaTec Premium or Tui Enrich Fruit, Citrus, Tree & Shrub controlled release fertiliser are both high in potassium. Happy growing!

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What pot size is best for a feijoa? Comments

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