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What should I feed my feijoa trees?



Hi Tui, I have 5 standard feijoa trees & 1 dwarf feijoa which I am needing help with feeding extra nutrients. The 5 standard trees I transplanted from containers into the ground approximately 2yrs ago, last season there was only 1 tree that had 5 small fruit and the rest nothing! I have bought some Tui citrus food to give them, would this be sufficient, or do they need something else as well? A couple of the trees have a slight tinge of yellow on their leaves! Thanks.



Hi Adie, Tui Citrus Food is a good fertiliser for feijoas, in fact all fruit trees, not just citrus. Feed every 3-4 months, starting in early spring (August/September) and again after fruiting has finished. Always water fertiliser into the soil, give plants a good soaking.  If you are in a frost prone area feed in late summer/early autumn. If you feed too late in autumn feeding will push new growth that won't have time to harden off before frosts start. Feijoas are pretty hardy trees, but benefit from regular watering in the growing season - spring through to autumn, feijoas have a fibrous root system that is close to the soil surface, regular mulching will help conserve soil moisture. If the leaves are yellowing that might be a sign of lack of water, regular applications of Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic will also be beneficial to the trees, it also helps promote flowering and fruiting. Feijoas are mostly pollinated by birds, are the planted in an area that birds can easily visit? Regards, The Tui Team.

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