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When and how is the best time to prune a lime tree?

  Bay of Plenty


Hi Tui, my lime tree is in a container, growing lovely and only about 12 months old if that. It looks as if it could do with a prune. Could you tell me how and what month would be best to prune? I'm in the Bay of Plenty.



Hi Lynette 

Although pruning lime trees is not compulsory, it is good for several reasons including improving airflow, reducing disease, strengthening limbs and it makes it easier to harvest fruit. However, generally citrus only require pruning if they are getting too large or misshapen, so don't prune unnecessarily. The best to prune lime trees is in early spring or late summer, or any time prior to blooming. Avoid taking large branches off when the lemon borer beetle is about in summer. 

Thanks, Tui Team

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