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When should I fertilise and spray my trees?



Hi, I was wondering if you could advise me of an appropriate fertiliser and spray, together with frequency, for these trees: Flowering Cherry Tree, Dwarf Cherry fruit tree and Fig tree. Thanks in anticipation of your response. Paddy

Paddy Beban


Hi Paddy, as a general rule of thumb spring and autumn are the best times to fertilise your trees. An all purpose fertiliser such as Tui Novatec is suitable, it can be applied every three months in the growing season, so spring and late summer, early autumn. As well as fertilising, it is a good idea to mulch around your trees to help protect the roots and conserve soil moisture. Do this in spring and autumn as well, you can use any organic matter to mulch, such as bark, well rotted lawn clippings, pea straw, or a specially blended mulch like Tui Mulch & Feed. By planting the right tree in the right place, in free draining soil, as well as regular watering and feeding throughout the growing season, mulching in spring and autumn, you will keep your trees actively growing and so hopefully keep pests and diseases at bay and so not need to spray your trees. Spraying will only be necessary when you see a problem, most pests and diseases are prevalent from early spring until late autumn. You can do repeat winter clean up sprays in June or July of horticultural plant spraying oil and copper to help capture any overwintering insect eggs and fungal diseases. The Tui Team.

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