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Why are my new potatoes sprouting?


Hi there, I wonder if you can help me. I have just dug up two plants of my new potatoes to find that the potatoes have begun to sprout. Can you tell me why this is please? Thanks, Rex.



This is a really common issue and caused by the soil being too moist. Potatoes sprout in moist warm conditions. To avoid this, harvest your crop as soon as it matures and store somewhere dark and cool. Dig them all and enjoy them!

Feed your potatoes with Tui Potato Food every three to four weeks during key growth periods.

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Why are my new potatoes sprouting? Comments

  • Lots of tops but no potatoes

    Raewyn Coley

  • When is it a good time to plant Kiwi fruit? Also does it need a sunny spot and where can I buy it. We live in Christchurch.


  • I grew potatoes that did not have any green foliage above ground. All the potatoes grew off the main one. I kept replanting and digging to take off the potatoes as they grew weird.

    Diane Jones

  • Hi Marie, the most common time to plant kiwifruit is in spring after the frosts have finished. The vines need at least eight or nine months of frost-free growth. Kiwifruit require full sun by day, they like areas with high humidity. The vines are very wind sensitive so shelter from strong wind is important. Check with your local garden centre to see if they sell kiwifruit plants or if they know where you could purchase a plant in Christchurch. You may need to purhcase from a nursery. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • Hi Raewyn, most potato crops take 3 to 4 months to mature from planting. Lots of tops are normally the result of the soil having too much organic matter such as compost or manure, or too much nitrogen. You can help remedy this by adding potato fertiliser; it has the right balance of nutrients to promote a good crop. Enjoy. Thanks, Tui Team


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