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Why has my hydrangea never flowered?



I have several hydrangea's and they are lovely but one I've had for several years has never flowered. It is a healthy bushy plant. Can you help with this problem.

Val Mardon


Hi Val, there could be several reasons your hydrangea hasn't flowered. Is it a different variety to the others that you have planted, some plants flower off old wood, so if they are cut back to ground level every year, they won't flower as the flowering wood is removed. Others flower from new wood, so these can be cut back in winter to a nice plump bud, which will be a flowering bud. The other reason is too much nitrogen in the soil, if you have lovely lush green growth then this could be the reason. Apply a balanced all purpose fertiliser such as Tui General Garden Fertiliser, or Tui Enrich All Purpose Controlled release fertiliser. Make sure the new growth on you hydrangea isn't getting frosted and knocked back in early spring, if it is, it might be advisable to move the plant to a more protected part of the garden. The Tui Team.

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