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Why have my kaffir lime tree leaves curled?



Hi Tui, my kaffir lime tree leaves have started to curl - how do I stop this? Thanks!



Hi Carla, citrus leaves will curl when temperatures are too hot, too cold or can be caused by insect damage. This looks like a newly planted tree, so it could be caused by unseasonably cold weather and transplant shock. The tree may have come from the nursery or garden centre where it was protected and now planted it's leaves are curling. Once temperatures warm, the curling will disappear, but applications of Tui Seaweed Plant Tonic every 7-14 days will help the tree tolerate temperature fluctuations and recover from transplant shock. If you don't think it is temperature related then it could be insect damage. Look on the underside of the leaf for raised bumps on the underside of the leaf and stem, aphids or white fly. Sucking insects can cause foliage to curl. If you suspect insect damage talk to your local garden centre or DIY store for a suitable insecticide spray or control. Tui Seaweed Plant Tonic will help plants resist pest and disease attack. Regards, Tui Team.

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