Hi Tiu, why is my avocado tree dropping fruit. This is the second season, last year I had about 10 avocados, this year there is about 100 fruit set. Are the fruit dropping because the tree can’t cope with budding and the current fruit. Thanks.
Malcolm Sullivan
Hi Malcolm, fruit drop can be a natural thing and perfectly normal. When a tree can't sustain the crop, it will naturally drop fruit to a level where it can support the ripening fruit. It sounds like your tree has been in the ground for two seasons now, that is still quite a young tree so it is probably finding its balance. Premature fruit drop can also be a sign of other things, such as sudden changes in temperature, incomplete pollination, late frost (not likely in Auckland), irregular watering, or insect damage. Avocados need a free draining soil and do not like waterlogged soils, this can also lead to premature fruit drop. Apply Tui Seaweed Plant Tonic to your tree to help it withstand temperature fluctuations, this also helps with overall plant growth and helps protect against pest and disease attack. Check the underside of leaves for any insect pests such as mites, if they are present there will be a webbing and the underside of the leaf look speckled. Talk to your local garden centre for a suitable control if you suspect insect pests such as mites. The Tui Team.
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