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Petunia Growing Guide

Pretty, prolific, powerful, productive… the list goes on and on about the tremendous merits of the Petunia. Over the years Petunias have cemented themselves as a popular summer flower. Petunias provide the garden with a marathon of colour for months on end. Once established Petunias take very little to maintain their flowering carpet of colour. The colour mix for Petunias seems endless – from pastel and subtle tones through to the bold colours of the primary colour wheel. Flower shape and size varies from small to large, double and frilly, the choice is yours.

3 steps to planting petunia 


With Petunias full sun is mandatory, along with a moist, fertile soil. Petunias will cope with dry periods, but this seriously compromises flowering ability and potential, hence its always best to ensure plants are well watered through long dry periods. Petunias are perfect pot and basket plants. Propagate bedding varieties by seed in late winter in warm climates and in spring in cold areas. Sow seeds for bedding plants or buy seedlings from the Garden Centre if you prefer. Plant out after frosts.

The list of Petunia categories is very long, but some favourite varieties to look out for are listed below. Annuals; Debonair Dusky Rose, Frilly double flowering, Pepe Petunias, Ramblin series and Storm series. Perennials include Million Bells and Sunbells, Raspberry Blast, SuperCal Petchoa and Tumbelina.

Like building a house a good foundation is the key to success in your garden. The better the soil, the better your plants will grow. If you are starting with an existing garden bed dig in organic matter like Tui Sheep Pellets and Tui Compost to your soil. Then you can add a layer of Tui Rose & Shrub Mix


The best times to plant are early in the morning, or late in the day so the plants aren't exposed to the hot sun straight away. Always water plants well before and after planting.

Directions for planting in garden beds

  • Water plants thoroughly before planting and allow to drain.
  • Dig a hole, approximately twice the depth and width of the root ball of your plant.
  • Gently loosen the root ball of your plant and position the plant in the centre of the hole.
  • Fill in with Tui Rose & Shrub Mix.
  • Press soil gently around the base of the plant.
  • Water your plant well and continue to water regularly.

Directions for potting plants

  • Water plants thoroughly before potting and allow to drain.
  • Half fill your container with Tui Rose & Shrub Mix.
  • Gently take the plant from the current container, loosen the root ball and remove any loose or dead plant material and roots.
  • Position the plant in the centre of the new container and fill with Tui Rose & Shrub Mix up to 3cm from the top.
  • Gently firm mix around the base of the plant. The mix should be at the same level on the plant as it was in the previous container.
  • Water your plant well and continue to water regularly.


Feed your plants and they will reward you. Replenishing the nutrients used by your plants ensures your plants grow to their full potential. Feed your Petunias with Tui NovaTec® Premium Fertiliser when planting.

A well-watered, well-nourished garden will have a better chance of keeping insect pests and diseases at bay. While your Petunias are growing regularly apply a dose of Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic to give them a welcome boost.

If sheltered through the winter months Petunias will bounce back with an abundance of blooms again the following season.

The only thing Petunias won’t compromise on is sun – they insist on it, so are not an option for shady areas.