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Create a Potted Plant Oasis


Create a Potted Plant Oasis

Easy, eye-catching and fun, container plants filled with luscious green foliage, vibrant beautiful blooms or flavoursome fruit are a great way to extend your garden both outdoors and indoors.

Follow our guide to inject some green into your living spaces.

3 Steps to A Potted Plant Oasis


The better the soil, the better your plants will grow. Healthy soil is especially important when growing in a limited area. When planting in pots or containers, choose a potting mix that is free draining and is suited to what you are planting Tui All Purpose Potting Mix is specially formulated to give the best start to your indoor and outdoor plants in pots and containers.

Choose a container that is a suitable size for your plants. Ensure the container has enough capacity to
house the ‘roots’ of the crops you want to grow. Drainage is also essential, so look for a pot that has drainage holes.


Indoor plant options:

  • Larger options: fiddle leaf fig, monstera, weeping fig, rubber tree, drasena maginata, mother in laws tongue, alocasia.
  • Smaller options: string of pearls, maidenhair fern, ivy, Boston fern, goldfish plant.

Outdoor plants:

  • A useful system is to plant a ‘Feature’, ‘Filler’ and a ‘Spiller’ in larger pots. e.g. a fruit tree as the ‘Feature’, lavender as a ‘Filler’, and then a flowering plant which will ‘Spill’ over the edge of the container.
  • Outdoor plant options: dwarf fruit trees (apple, lemon, peach, nectarine) , ficus tuffy, benjamina, shrubs, grasses, pansy, petunia, cyclamen and calendula.

Directions for planting:

  • Soak plants in a bucket of Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic and allow to drain. This will help prevent transplant shock.
  • Partly fill your container with Tui All Purpose Potting Mix.
  • Gently take the plant from the current container, loosen the root ball and remove any loose or dead plant material and roots.
  • Position the plant in the centre of the new container.
  • Fill with Tui All Purpose Potting Mix up to 3cm from the top.
  • Gently firm the mix around the plant. The mix should be at the same level on the plant as it was in the previous container.
  • Water plants well after planting.

Plants grown in containers require regular watering. The finger test is the best indicator. Touch the surface of the mix with your index finger and if it feels dry, water. It’s best to water deeply twice a week rather than a little each day.


Feed your plants and they will reward you. Plants use nutrients from the soil as they grow. A controlled release fertiliser within Tui All Purpose Potting Mix will keep feeding for up to six months.

Continuing to replenish nutrients will ensure your plants remain healthy. Use Tui Enrich Pots & Containers controlled release fertiliser to promote optimum growth through its specialised triple action formula that feeds both the soil and plant.

Well watered, well nourished plants will have a better chance of keeping insect pests and diseases at bay.

As mix in containers dries out quicker than soil in the garden. Apply Debco SaturAid granular soil wetter every season to enhance water absorption and retention.

When should I plant
  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec
  • Harvest in 2-4 years

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Create a Potted Plant Oasis Comments

  • Mother in laws tongue. I repotted to a larger container transferred this to a sheltered outdoor situation which does not get rain water. New shoots appeared which rotted. Even some of the existing larger ones have got root rot. Not sure if it is under or over watering.


    • Hi Colleen, this sounds like a case of over-watering, Mother in Law's Tongue is an extremely robust plant which will cope with long dry periods. However, if you plant is getting a lot of direct sunlight your leaves could be browning off due to sun burn.

      Tui Team

  • this has been a handy video, I need all the help I can get when it comes to potted plants mine very often don't survive.

    Carol inkersell

  • Hi can I control wild potatoes that are pushing their way through a new garden of natives and shrubs and a couple of dwarf apple trees. The garden was an old verge garden which I had sprayed with weed killer put down weed mat and heavally woodchiped. Help how can I control the potatoes as they keep finding their way through the weed mat

    Les Ballantyne

    • Hi Les, eventually over time, if you can eliminate the light and water source to the potatoes they will eventually weaken and die off. This may take a season or two. If you need a quicker result, sprinkle large amounts of salt around the plants or paint the shoots with a weed spray.

      Tui Team

  • What are the best flowering options that will "spill" over the sides to hide an ugly outdoor pot please?


    • Hi Gretchen, great flowering spiller options include bacopa, lobelia, alyssum and trailing/cascading pansies or petunias. Check on the flower plant tags as it will often tell you their flowering habit. 


      Tui Team

  • I'm about to report several plants into larger pots. The pots I'm using do not have drainage holes in the bottom. Should I put some stones in before I add soil to help with drainage?


    • Hi Julia, best practice would be to have drainage holes in the bottom, especially if they are large pots. Stones can be placed in the bottom to create some drainage and charcoal to help stop the water that sits there from going stale. Drainage is important when growing plants in pots and containers so it is best to use a quality potting mix rather than garden soil or compost. A garden soil or compost will compact down and eventually there is no air pore space in the mix for the plant and it will slowly decline and eventually die.  

      Tui Team

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