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Houseplant holiday tips

If you're heading away on holiday this summer (or leaving the office), don't forget your plant babies!

Below are handy tips shared by gardener and indoor plant expert Lara Bui to keep your plants happy.

  1. Move your plants to a cool room preferably on the south side of your house.
  2. For plants that like moist soil, dampen a towel and pop it o the bottom of your bath. Place your plants on top so they can absorb moisture when needed.
  3. For dry tolerant plants, water deeply before you go away then stick with your usual watering regime.
  4. If you'll be away for 7-10 days, ask a plant parent friend, family member or neighbour to pop in and water your plants for you.
  5. Before you head away, give your plants a boost with a feed an forget option like Tui Indoor Plant Fertiliser Pods or Tui Enrich Indoor Plant controlled release fertiliser.

        Discover more indoor plant tips here >


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