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How to identify and prune tomato laterals with Liz

Removing laterals (side shoots) as tomato plants grow encourages bigger and better fruit - it also means free plants! Learn how to identify and prune tomato laterals with Liz @tiny_farmstead.

1. Think of laterals as the armpits of the plant, you have the stem and each branch or arm that comes out the side.

2. In the nook between the stem and the branch are shoots. These shoots are laterals.

3. To remove the laterals, carefully pinch them out. 

4. When removing laterals be careful as it opens up a wound to the plant.

5. Do this on a day when it's dry and sunny, not humid when there's more chance of disease entering the plant.

6. For free plants put your lateral into a glass of water.

7. Each of the hairs on the stem will turn into a root and you'll have a new tomato plant!

Follow our tomato growing guide here >

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How to identify and prune tomato laterals with Liz Comments

  • Love your emails and the article where you detail how to prune tomatoes and grow new plants from the laterals.

    Trish Moir

  • A really clear view and explanation of the tomato lateral.

    Elizabeth Brugh

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